Chapter 24: Gathering

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So all the dragon slayers have been found and brought together, a few of the dragons have been gathered as well and are ready to give their lives if need be to save Earthlander.

Are they ready to attack Zeref though?

Saffron's POV

We had finally arrived at the Fairy Tail Guild which Gajeel and Natsu had told me about on the trip back.

"So what are we suppose to do now?" I asked confused as we walked into the guildhall.

"You must be one of the dragon slayers Igneel told us about." A girl with white hair and blue eyes said with a smile on her face.

"Igneel? Isn't he a dragon?" I asked vaguely remembering the Fire Dragon's name.

"Yes that's correct, Saffron however like myself Igneel is in a female human form so I would mind who you call a "he" or else." I nodded and looked around the crowded guildhall.

"Hey Freed, Evergreen and Bixslow (or Bixlow I've seen it spelled both ways and I have no idea how it's really spelled, I think have it right) are back!" Natsu said and grinned.

"When we heard that Laxus was going after another dragon slayer we thought we'd come back to help however he already left by the time we got here."

Hmmmm who is this Laxus they're talking about?

"Saffron!" I turned at the mention of my name and saw Chloe walking in with a white haired woman who must be Luminesa, a blond haired guy with a scar over his right eye and a white haired guy with golden yellow eyes.

"Chloe!" She run up and hugged me tightly. I smiled down at her.

Me, Chloe and Azure met when our dragons decided it would be a good idea for us to become aware of the other dragon slayers.

Chloe surprised me, she was a small little four year old while me and Azure were both nine. However Chloe was strong no one realized it because she was so sweet natured. I still remembered the day we met very clearly, but this wasn't a time of peace it was a time of war.

"How have you been?" I asked her as she pulled away and smiled up at me.

"Good and you?" I touched her head gently.

"I've been great, so did you join Blue Pegasus like you said you would?" She showed me her guild emblem on her left shoulder. I smiled brightly. "I'm so proud of you."

"Hey! Chloe! Saffron!" We turned and the third person of our friendship triangle walked through the doors.

"Azure!" Chloe ran up to her.

"Hey Chloe, you look well. You joined Blue Pegasus I see congrats." I smiled and Azure grinned at me.

"Hey Azure you look like you've gotten stronger." Me and Azure were friends but rivals at the same time.

"Well you don't like you have at all." She said with a smirk.

"You looking for a fight?" I said walking towards her.

"Yeah. Bring it Ice Freak!" Magic started swirling around us as we glared at each other.

"Please stop..." Chloe said shyly coming between us. We both stopped and sighed.

"Okay Chloe."

"So these two fight just like Gray, Natsu and Gajeel." I looked over my shoulder at a guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Who is he?" Azure asked.

"That's Sting, my boyfriend." We both flinched and saw a girl with white hair and blue eyes standing there rolling her eyes at the Sting guy.

"Who are you?" She laughed.

"I'm sorry I'm Crystal or if you'd like I'm Glacius, Luminesa and Aquarias. I'm a rare type of dragon that has all elemental forms." I flinched back.

"Is that even possible?!" Azure asked.

"It is possible because she's the living proof." The blonde haired girl next to her said smiling.

"Alright everyone needs to listen up!" Crystal called loudly and every conversation in the guildhall quieted instantly. "We have to start training for battle, I need the dragon slayers to stay with me, Star, Willow, Melissa and Jake. Everyone else split into groups and train, Levy and Freed I want you to start tracking Zeref with the help of Lucy's celestial spirits alright?" Everyone nodded, but I felt Chloe tense beside me.

"That name... Zeref... why does it sound so familiar..."


"Zeref..." She kept muttering the name until Luminesa touched her shoulder and led her away from us.

I hope she's alright. We really need Chloe for this fight.

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