Chapter 29: Aphrodite, Goddess of Heaven and Hell

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So we learn that not only is Crystal a dragon, she brought the Drago-Blood to the town of Oracle and she is the great Goddess that was said to have come to the town with Zeref.

Wendy's POV

A bright white and black light shot into the sky followed by a person with black hair and a dark aura surrounding him.

"That's Zeref!" Natsu yelled starting to run away from us and towards them.

"Natsu stop! You don't have to worry that bright white and black light is someone on our side!" Igneel yelled.

A demon appeared in front of me.

"Sky Dragon Roar!" As it faded away I looked up at the two people flying and fighting, each time they would collide a blinding light would appear.

"Who is that?" Lily asked looking up at the sky.

"She has a really familiar scent but it's being blocked by something else." I said feeling a presences coming from the person shrouded in the light.

Who are you?

Aphrodite's POV

Zeref was one of the only people who has ever been considered my equal, however I wasn't going to let him kill everyone I loved.

"Why must you fight what you are Sister?!" He yelled as we collided again.

"Because of what you're doing! You're killing without mercy when these people don't deserve to die!" I threw him down to the ground in front of everyone. I shot down and stepped on his chest.

"You continue to fight me... I'm beginning to grow annoyed by it." He grabbed my foot and pushed me up into the air.

"I will not lose!" I gathered all the light and darkness around me. "Lost Forbidden Art: Heaven's Hell Fire!" A blinding white light appeared and then I heard my brother's voice inside it in pain.

Please forgive me Zeref... but I didn't have a choice...

When the light faded he was laying across the ground unconscious.

"Is he dead?" Gray asked.

"No." Everyone looked up at me as I landed lightly on the ground, the light and dark faded and was replaced with short black hair, a dark blue and red eye and a black outfit.

"Who are you?" Wendy walked towards me. "You smell familiar." I sighed and looked away.

"My name is Aphrodite, the other half of Zeref." They all froze.

"I thought you were sealed away. That's what Crystal told us and she seemed to know what she was talking about." Natsu said.

"I'm sorry... I know you all probably think I'm some different person entirely but the truth is..." I let my body go back to normal and they all gasped.

"Wait! You're Zeref's other half?!" Lucy said stunned.

"Yes. However I didn't remember that either, I'm also the reason dragons came into existence, I brought the outbreak here... please forgive me for lying to you." I dropped to my knees bowing my head to my friends.

"Crystal... we would never think differently of you because of who you were." Natsu said and I looked up and saw he had a hand outstretched towards me.


"You're family. You always have been." I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up.

"Thank you that means-"

"Pathetic really that you believed that would stop me." I turned and saw Zeref was back on his feet and brushing the dirt off his clothes. "Now if you'd like I can kill all of your friends right now or you can come with me." I looked at Natsu and the others and saw they were all on the ground screaming in pain.

"What are you doing to them?!" I yelled at my brother.

"Slowly stopping their hearts, choose now Crystal or watch them die." I looked back at them and felt my body move towards Zeref.

"Please stop... I'll go with you please stop killing my friends..." I heard the gasps of everyone catching their breaths.

"Crystal! Don't you dare walk away with him!" Gray yelled getting to his feet.

"Yeah, I'll be damned if I let you walk away again." Sting said pushing himself to his feet, Rogue following close behind.

"That's right! We aren't finished yet!" Natsu rushed past me and attack Zeref, who went flying back.

I watched as all my friends, family and dragon slayers rushed past one by one and attacked my brother.

"They really do care about me..." I muttered and smiled lightly.

"Of course they do." I looked next to me and saw Happy floating there.

"Natsu and everyone love you like family. Don't doubt that they'd fight for you before letting you go that easy." I wiped away my tears and clenched my fists.

"Then it's my turn to help them!" I jumped into the air. "Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Elemental Dragon Roar!!!"

I heard the other dragon slayers say their Secret Dragon Slayer Arts.

"Sky Drill!"

"Roaring Thunder!"

"Hydro Aqua Devestation!"

"Fire Dragon's Fist!"

"Falling Earth!"

"Raging Blizzard!"

"Poison Dragon's Sharp Horn!"

"Piercing Twin Fangs!"

"Shadow Dragon Scales!"

The combined attacks brought a colorful light and then when it cleared Zeref was on his knees.

"H-how?!" I walked through the crowd and turned back into Aphrodite.

"You've cause too much death and destruction I will seal you away my brother. Forever..." I touched the ground and a light magic circle appeared underneath him.

"What about you? You're part of me!" I smirked.

"My half of you will also be sealed away, however the dragon form of myself, Crystal will stay with the people she cares most about." He struggled to break the circle. "Light of Heaven bath down upon this land and cast out any evil you see! Seal of Heaven!!"

A radiating light appeared from the sky and I felt myself and Zeref merging back into one being.

"Aphrodite!" I turned my head and looked at Crystal, who looked confused and scared.

"Thank you, because of you I had a reason to face my brother. Now it's time for us to leave this world and cause it no more harm. Goodbye Fairy Tail wizards, dragon slayers and dragons... may you find eternal happiness..." And with that the light engulfed us.

Thank you Crystal for setting us free...

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