Chapter 20: Saffron, The Ice Dragon Slayer

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Who thought pairing Gajeel and Natsu together was a good thing?

Natsu's POV

I was ready to help Crystal at whatever means necessary, but why did she have to put me together with Gajeel?! The metal head was going to get in my way!

"You boys need to hurry up!" Glacius called from ahead of us.

"We're coming you're walking way too fast!" I yelled and I heard Gajeel snicker from next to me. "What are you laughing at metal head?" He got in my face.

"Your complaining Flamebrain!"

"Oh yeah you wanna go right now?!"

"Bring it!!"

"Excuse me if you're both finished with your petty bickering can we get a move on I will leave you behind if this keeps up." Glacius said pushing us both apart.

"Yes ma'am..." We both said and followed her glaring at each other.

"So what is this Saffron girl like?" I asked finally.

"Saffron is an intelligent young lady, she has a very sad past but from what I understand most dragon slayer's pasts are. She has always been a quick learner." I looked at Glacius as she spoke fondly of her former child.

"You must really miss her." Gajeel said looking away from us.

"Yes I do... she was everything to me. I felt so happy to have my own child... but it's the same with all the dragons. Metallicana feels that way about you Gajeel and Igneel always speaks highly of her little Natsu." I felt my face flush in embarrassment.

"Great..." I groaned.

"You shouldn't question the love your dragons have for you. We really do care about you."

After that conversation we walked in silence for what felt like hours.

"So where is Saffron?" Gajeel asked as we arrived in a snowy terrain.

"She loves to train in the freezing cold, she's most likely somewhere in this frozen terrain. I can feel her presences not far away." She seemed excited. I can only imagine what this means to her.

We rushed through the snow and stopped when we saw a girl with blue hair and blue eyes using ice magic.

So this was Saffron?

Gajeel's POV

So this girl was Saffron? She didn't seem like she was a dragon slayer, but neither did Wendy or Lily.

"Is there something I can do for you people?" She asked not looking at us as we walked over to her.

"Are you Saffron, the Ice Dragon Slayer?" I asked.

"That depends who wants to know?" Damn she's got an attitude.

"Saffron, it's been a long time since I last saw you. You've grown into a strong woman." Saffron froze and then turned to look at Glacius.

"It can't be Glacius?!" She nodded.

"It's me. We don't really have time to catch up here, we need your help. The Black Wizard Zeref is threatening to destroy the entire human race. All the dragon slayers across Fiore are being gathered to fight against Zeref. Will you help us?"

Saffron looked confused and shocked at the same time.

"If Zeref wants to destroy the world I love then I'm more than happy to kick his butt back to wherever he came from!" She said determined.

"Thank you so much Saffron."

We all headed out of the snowy terrain and back towards Magnolia, this was going to take a while it took us like a week to get here...

Glacius's POV

Saffron, my little Ice Dragon Slayer is all grown up...

I remember when she was a little girl and her mother and father had been killed by a dark guild.


"Mommy! Daddy!" I heard the shouts of a little girl coming from nearby. I walked over and peeked out of the trees to see a little girl with blue hair crying over the dead bodies of what must have been her parents.

"Little girl?" She turned and looked at me backing away when she saw what I was.

"Who are you? What are you?" I smiled gently.

"My name is Glacius, I'm an Ice Dragon. What's your name my dear and what happened to your parents?" She frowned and looked at the bodies again.

"My names Saffron and some bad people used some scary magic on them, no matter what I do they won't wake up." I frowned. The poor thing was all alone in the world.

"Why don't you come with me and I can train in the ways of Ice Dragon Slayer magic?" She looked from me to her parents.

"They're dead aren't they?" I sighed.

"I'm sorry my dear..." She got up and walked over to me.

"It's alright, I want to learn magic I want to honor my parents and use my powers to help others." I smiled and turned into the forest with Saffron.

"That's a beautiful thing to want Saffron, let's make it happen."

*flashback over*

You're so brave, Saffron. I'm so proud of you.

Dragon Slayers (2nd book of Secrets of the Dragons)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن