Chapter 27: The Beginning of the End

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The battle of Oracle is drawing near, The Beginning of the End has begun.

Who will emerge victorious?

Zeref and his demons?

Or Fairy Tail, the Dragon Slayers and Dragons?

So it's finally time to end this?

We were all heading to Oracle, the land of the Gods. Home to the Drago-Blood outbreak and the creation of Zeref and Aphrodite.

I was terrified of what was going to happen when we arrived.

Would Zeref be waiting for us? Or worse his demons?

"Crystal?" I looked next to me and saw Chloe looking at me worried.

"Yes?" I asked trying to keep a calm composure when on the inside I wanted to scream.

"Is everything going to be alright?" I touched her head and frowned.

"The only thing we can do is use what we know best: magic." I looked out the window of the carriage and saw the town coming into view.

"Hey Crystal?" I looked back and saw Willow with dragon wings flying next to the carriage.


"Star and I are going to check things out in the town." I felt everything screaming for them to not to but I simply nodded and they took off at inhuman speeds.

Please be safe...

"Stop the carriages!" I yelled and everyone of the carriages stopped. I jumped out and walked along the dust and ash covered ground.

"I thought you said the land was peaceful and prosperous?" Levy asked as she looked down at the ground.

"I told you until Zeref sealed Aphrodite away." I shivered as I looked at the town.

A flare of flames appeared all of a sudden and felt something inside me shatter.

"WILLOW! STAR!" I rushed towards the town but someone grabbed me yanking me back.

"Crystal it's too late... they're gone..." I dropped to my knees.

"I knew I shouldn't have let them go... Why did I let them go...." I slammed my fists to the ground, dust and ash went flying.

"We need to keep to the plan. Lets get the dragon slayers together." Jake said helping me to my feet.

I looked back at the rising flames before walking over to the dragon slayers.

"Let's get ready..." I saw Wendy and Chloe looking at the flames in the town.

"Wendy, Chloe they knew what they were getting into when they went..." I knew it was time.

Awaken within me all my elemental dragons!

All my forms appeared and they took one glance at the flames and started gathering the dragon slayers together.

"Grandeeney, Luminesa, Jade stay close to Lily, Wendy and Chloe." I said and turned.

"Time Wings!" My pinkish purple wings appeared and I floated into the air with Jake and Melissa following.

"It's time to get revenge for what they just did to Willow and Star." Melissa said clenching her fists.

"Stay close and whatever you do, don't fight Zeref alone." I said and the three of us raced through the air towards the town.

You're going to pay for what you just did Zeref I promise you that!

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