Chapter 4

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You woke up to the feeling of someone shaking you.
Mom: "Y/n ya levántate!"
Y/n: "Pero porqueee"
Mom: "porque ya son las 12:30pm y Diego te está esperando afuera". You instantly got up from hearing Diego's name.
Mom: "Si apúrate tiene como 10 minutos esperando te!" She says while leaving ur room. You get out of bed and put on some black sweatpants and a grey sweatshirt. You brush your teeth and run straight out the door. You honesty did t care that u had no makeup on bcs you don't gaf abt what Diego thinks😜. You see him on his phone and go behind the couch to scare him.
Y/n: "DIEGITOO" He jumps to the sound of you voice and places his hand on his heart.
Diego: "Pinche y/n you gave me a fucking heart attack!!"  He explains as you laugh at him.
Y/n: " Anywayss what are u doing here?"
Diego: "What I can't visit my favorite bsf who literally left me for school and never talked to me again??
Y/n: "Obviously you can but next time warn me first so I can prepare myself before seeing your piojojoso face😟"
Diego: "Fuck you anyways idk if your dad told you but the whole team is supposedly having like a fucking bbq or sum shi and they kinda told me to buy food for that so I'm dragging ur ass with me😀."
Y/n: "ugh bitch it's my second day here and your already dragging me around everywhereee"
Diego: "Wtv idgaf lets go hurry it's gonna start in like 2 hrs
Y/n: "WHAT 2 HRS? Omg Diego why didn't u tell me before!"
Diego: "idfk ig i forgot and ur dad should've been the one to tell u🤷"
Y/n: "where's it gonna be anyways and where's my mom??
Diego: "Um I think it's gonna be here and your mom left like right after she woke u up"
Y/n: "Uhm ok.. let's js go anyways." You guys go outside, you lock the doors to the house and go to diego's car.
————————time skip———————
You and Diego get back to your house and you start to clean while diego unloads the food.
Diego: "Have you heard from your parents?"
Y/n: "Um no but I'll give them a call rn" You call your dad and he says that he will be home in about 30 minutes. The team was going to get there in a about an hour. You got everything ready. You then took a quick shower and put on some jeans, a black tank top and your panda dunks. You do some straighten your hair and do light makeup. You go downstairs seeing Diego watching tv. You plopped down next to him.
Y/n: "Soo who and who is coming?"
Diego: "Are you that stupid I told you the whole team like memo, Alexis, chucky, Kevin...." I immediately side eyed him when he said Kevin. Yesterday was so awkward with his gf and stuff I honestly didn't know what to say.
Diego: "Mensa your blusinggg"
Y/n: "Bitch what the fuck no I'm not" It was pretty obvious you were though.
Diego: "Dw I have the perfect plan to get you two together 😈"
Y/n: "Omg Diego your so stupid and it'll probably never happen, he has a gf remember?
Diego: "yk nobody likes her not even Kevin!" Shes an annoying pick me ass bitch that wont stfu abt anything". You roll ur eyes at him and hear the doorbell ring. You get up and open the door to see your dad walking in with cervezas and your mom walking in with  like 3 other bags. Your parents walk upstairs to change and you look inside the bag. You pull out a bottle of tequila and show it to Diego. He mouths the words "WE FINNA GET LIT" to you and you laugh. Then you hear the doorbell ring and and you walk towards it. You open it and your surprised to see Kevin holding 2 bags.
Kevin: "Oh hi y/n... uh I brought some gusgeras for the kids..!"
Y/n: "Oh hi kevin..! I thought you wouldn't come till later!"
Kevin: "Oh I js wanted to come early to see if you need any help with anything!" He tells you with a smile.
Y/n: "Well that's very nice of you. I don't think there's anything else to do so we can js hang out till everyone else gets here". You smile at him which made his heart melt. He loved seeing you smile.
Diego: "Papi chuloo kevinnnn what r y doing here so early? Is it bc your in LOVE with y/n?!?😘😘" Diego says to Kevin which makes you blush and makes Kevin's face super red.
Kevin: "Oh its js that I uh wanted to see if you guys needed any help!" He explains nervously. You thought in your head on how he didn't deny that he was "in LOVE" with u. What if he did? No, he couldn't he has a girlfriend...
Um so I kinda have NO TIME to do these chapters but I'll try my best to write more😋 I HAVE SPRING BREAK SOON SO ILL PROBABLY RIGHT ALOT THEN!! hope you guys are enjoying this cuz idk how I feel abt it 🤭😞😝😭🤷‍♀️🫣(nd btw I prob wont proof read any of these so it's wtv 😋)

915 words

~Loco Enamorado~ KEVIN ALVAREZ STORYWhere stories live. Discover now