Chapter 7

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You and your dad were jumping up and down in your room when you hear your mom walking in.
Mom: "Porque están tan felices ustedes??" She says chuckling by you and your dads behavior.

Then the three of you started jumping up and down together. But you realize something.

Y/n: "Wait but, I've only done 3 years of college." You asked.
Dad: "The team contacted your school and asked if it was okay and they said yes! They also mentioned you are one of the top students!"
Y/n: " Ahhh!! But...that also means I would have to move here...right?"
Dad: "Yes, but on the bright side you'll be closer to us and most of our family is here!"
You smiled at him. You weren't ready to move but it was necessary. You had all your friends back home, especially Adrianna. You don't know how to tell her. You wish there was a way for you two to be together.
Dad: I know it's been a rough day but we wanna take you out to dinner! To celebrate! You can invite anyone you want!"
Y/n: "Um sure...But is it ok if we could move it to tmr?" I js think to much happened today.."
Dad: " Take all the time u need, me and ur mom will be downstairs" you see your dad leave first.
Mom: "Necesitas algo más?" She asks you.
Y/n: "no estoy bien, gracias mami" She smiled at you and left your room closing your door. You just sat in thought. You honestly wanted to cry again. But you decided to get up and shower to hopefully get everything of ur mind.

You put on some pjs and let your hair air dry since u were to lazy to blow dry it.

You jumped on your bed and scrolled on tik tok for a while

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You jumped on your bed and scrolled on tik tok for a while. I saw the time was 10:30pm and decided to go to sleep.

NEXT DAY: (it's a Friday)
I woke up feeling a little bit better. I saw the time was 9am and decided to get up. I quickly brushed my teeth and went downstairs to eat breakfast.
Y/n: "Buenos días"
M&D: "Buenos diaz mija"
Y/n: "Ay aguacates?"
Mam: "Creo que si"
Dad: "Entonces y/n si estas bien para llevarte a cenar hoy?"
Y/n: "Ehhm sip. Pero hasta más alrato verdad?"
Dad: "Pues siii" He took a pause and looked around. "do you wanna invite anyone...?" You immediately knew what he was talking about.
Y/n: "Yes you can invite the teammm" You told him as he went like ⬇️⬇️

Y/n: "Yes you can invite the teammm" You told him as he went like ⬇️⬇️

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You rolled your eyes and laughed as you got ingredients to start making your breakfast.

Once you ate you went upstairs to take a shower. It was around 2:40pm right now so you decided to wait UNTILL a little bit later to get ready. You hear the doorbell ring and ignore it because your parents are downstairs. Then it rings again. Then again. Then there's knocking.
Dad: "Y/n aren't you gonna get it?"
Y/n: "Why do I have to open it?!" You yell as you groan and walk down stairs. You glare at your dad and look through the peep hole. You couldn't believe your eyeballs. You swing open the door.
Y/n: "ADRIANNA?!?!??!??!?" You jumped on her while hugging onto her, causing you both to fall.
Adrianna: "SURPRISE BITCH!!!" You both sit there enjoying the moment. Then you get off her and help her get up.
Y/n: "What are you doing here?!"
Adrianna: "Wdym?? You think I would really miss your special dinner??" You hug her again. Then, you lead her inside. She greets your parents and you both go upstairs to your room.
Adrianna: "Omg I feel so old. I haven't been in here in forever! Like before California!"
Y/n: "I knowww! It's still exactly the way I left it."
Adrianna: "I see!" You both plop on the bed. You both start to talk about the most random things. But then, Adrianna asked the question you did not want her to ask.
Adrianna: "Sooo... what's been going on with you and Kevin?" You stare at her.
Y/n: "Chilll. It's only like my 4th day..(I forgot how many days it's been😍)
Adrianna: "That's what you say rnnn"
You rolled your eyes and laughed at her.
Y/n: Wanna watch modern family??
Adrianna: OFCCC
—————TIME SKIP————————
You and Adrianna were almost done getting ready.
Mom: Niñas!! Ya vámonos!
Y/n: "Okay ama!!" You did your last finishing touches and you were about to head out the door.
Adrianna: "WAIT!"
You look back at her in confusion.
A: "Insta post?" You laugh and nod.

You take the picture outside your balcony and post it

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You take the picture outside your balcony and post it. Then you hurry down stairs, Adrianna following you. You see that r parents rushing you to the car.
Dad: "Niñas! Y/n!! Vámonos!!"
Y/n: "Okay! Okay!"
kinda short but new chapter is cominggg. and btw i forgot how many days it's been since she got there so we'll js say 4 😛 AND TYSM FOR THE VOTES!!!!!
(881 words)

~Loco Enamorado~ KEVIN ALVAREZ STORYWhere stories live. Discover now