Chapter 11

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we kissed.

Me and Kevin Nahin Alvarez Campos kissed.

Once we pulled back, we went back in for another long, hard, kiss. Even though it wasn't to much, the kiss felt like fire. We pulled back again and smiled at each other. Then, after a couple seconds, Kevin was the first to speak up.
Kevin: "I guess we should head back to your house now, we don't want your parents wondering where you are,"
Y/n: "Oh, yeah, sure. You know how my dad is." We laughed.

Good thing I asked for permission before taking y/n out, Coach can be scary..... Kevin thought in his head.

It was quite the whole time, not like an awkward quiet it was more like a nice quiet. Me and Kevin's hands eventually found their way to each other. I had a big smile on my face. I cant wait to get home and tell Adrianna all about this.

Kevin then parked outside the house. I saw the blinds from the window open just a tad and quickly close. I laughed under my breath and so did Kevin so I'm guessing he noticed it too.

Y/n: "Thank you for today Kevin, I had a lot of fun" I smiled.
Kevin: "It was no problem, I had a lot of fun too. Hopefully we can hang out again"
Y/n: "I would like that a lot" I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lip. I grabbed my purse and got out of the car. I walked up to the front door and looked back as I waved at Kevin. He waved back too. I opened the door and went inside as I heard Kevin's car leave. I took off my shoes and saw a light turn on in the kitchen.
Y/n: "Holaa papá..... hii mami"
Dad: "Hola.... Y onde andabas tú?"
Y/n: "Con Kevin....." i stared at him blankly. I had forgotten I didn't tell them abt going out with Kevin.
Dad: "Y q hiciste con Kevinn?
Y/n: "Nomas fuimos al boliche (🎳 ) y también fuimos a agarrar nieve"
Dad: "Nomas eso?"
Y/n: "Siiii y ya tengo muchísimo sueño entonces ya me voy a dormir"

I went up to my dad and gave him a hug and went up to my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I then quickly went upstairs and went straight to my room. I then heard quiet laughs from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and changed into my pajamas. I went to sleep very happy. I then remembered i forgot to tell Adrianna about today so I guess I'll just tell her tomorrow since I was to tired.

3 weeks later:

Me and Kevin have been hanging out a lot lately. We've been going out on lots of dates and just hanging out in general. My feelings have really grown for him.

Adrianna had to go back to California to get her furniture and things so that she could finally move over here in Mexico. I probably have to do the same soon since I'm going to start work over here. So since she was gone, I would FaceTime her all the time about every date we would go on and what we would do and when we would hang out. I don't know why but she was extremely happy about my relationship with Kevin.(They aren't dating rn) I don't know why but it was kinda funny how excited she would get whenever I would tell her about me and Kevin. It was a little weird but I ignored it. She is my best friend after all.

As for her and Julian, they decided to remain as friends. She tried to be flirty with the other players sometimes like Diego, who keeps ignoring her, and even memo, even though he's married and she knows it, but they continue to reject her.

Diego had also started to get a bit distant, but I didn't think much of it. I wonder what he has been doing the past couple weeks.

Present time:

I wake up and grab my phone from my nightstand. I see Kevin sent me a good morning text. I texted him back and decided to FaceTime him since I missed his voice.

               FaceTime call 0:02

K: Hey!
Y/N: Heyy!! How are you?
K: I'm good! How r u?? Is everything alright??
Y/N: I'm good! And no, no everything's alright.
K: That's good. How'd you sleep??
Y/n: Fine. Anywayss I wanted to ask when are you coming back?
K: Maybe in like 2-3 days, why?
Y/n: Welll i wanted to see if we could hangout soon but your not coming for another few days🫤
K: Yeah I'm sorryyy I would honestly rather be with you than training for the next 3 hours. Maybe u could ask Diego??
Y/n: Yeah, I'll see what's up with him. He's been really distant these past couple of weeks..

We ended up FaceTiming an hour and a half. Kevin was out of town for a game so we couldn't hang out. After he had to go back to practice I decided to call Diego to see if he could hang out later today. And like always, no answer. So I decided to text Adrianna to see if she wanted to hang out later today. She accepted and I went up to my room to get ready.

Time skip:
I heard the doorbell ring and I went downstairs. I opened the door to see Adrianna waiting outside.
Y/n: "Hey!" I said as i went in for a hug.
Adrianna: "Hey....!" She said acting a little weird.
Y/n: "What's wrong? You look a little freaked out" i say chuckling.
Adrianna: "Oh uh!!!? Nothing!!!!! We should probably get going!!"
Y/n: "Uhhhh okay?!"

We got in the car and just as she was about to leave the driveway she got a text. She checked her phone and I saw her face immediately drop.

Y/n: "Whats wrong? Did something happen?" I asked her a bit worried.
Adrianna: "No no no!!!! Um im sorry but i have to go, like alone..! Um im sorry but I have to cancel! I have to leave like um NOW!!!"
Y/n: "Oh!! Uh!!! Okay I guess I'll leave then....! Call or text me later with whatever happens???" I say as I get out of the car.
Adrianna: "Yea! Yes! Bye!!" And like that she zoomed off to who knows where. I was kinda bummed out that she had to leave last minute but it's whatever. Something really bad must've happened.

Um so it's literally almost been 1 month since I posted but we're gonna ignore thattttt. Anyways I hate this chapter sm and I hope I don't take another month to post! 🤗🤗 Andddd just to clarify y/n and Kevin aren't dating yettttt but they r in a talking stage and that's what I meant when I said "(they aren't dating)"

Not proofreaddd
(1188 words)
thank you smmm for all the votes and 2.5k+ reads!!!😻

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