Zoey - Three

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Doing my best to walk in these heels, while making sure Sadie isn't running too far ahead and holding several items in my arms. We are walking the three doors down to Sarah's.

"Ok baby, you so excited to see Scout and Auntie Sarah?" She shouts with excitement. Sarah and I live a few houses down from each other. She is always willing to help out with Sadie. At four almost five she is at an age where I need all the help I can get. My Aunt and Uncle who raised me helped as much as they can but, they have busy lives. Sarah is the greatest friend anyone could have. Tonight I have an event for the team. Sadie is going to spend the night with Sarah. She almost like another parent for her in a way. I am so lucky to have her. She even came to all my prenatal appointments. We used to joke that we were just a couple. We bounced around the idea of living together as well. 

Sarah opens the door for me "Hey my baby girl!" giving Sadie a head pat "And hey sexy mama!" Scout comes galloping down the stairs and my daughter leaps onto him. They have a close bond, he has known Sadie her whole life. "Ok, for real you look hot." I'm wearing a green jumpsuit that has skinny straps and an open back. I did take extra time to curl my new shoulder length hair that has some highlights now, and fluffed it up. I even put on extra makeup. I never do it all anymore. Only on game days. Since the season hasn't started yet, I have been casual daily. Mom life, you know. Since I work at home most days, I don't need to impress anyone.

I watch as she skips over to her basket of toys Sarah has for her. Scout is laying next to her on watch. He protects her, it's the sweetest. "I better get going, I don't wanna be late. I gotta make sure the team has the stuff set up." My job as team photographer has morphed into more of a responsibility. I now am in charge of coordinating the reporters, and sports photographers along with a large team. After a several cheek kisses on Sadie's chubby face, and many I love yous. Sarah shoos me out. 

Parking my older SUV in my spot, complete with the name plate "press coordinator" I reapply my lipstick before getting out. I make sure the door is shut all the way, this car has been with me through it all. Sure I can buy a nice new one, I do make quite a bit. This is a good safe car still for Sadie and I. — "Hey Sam, how are you tonight?" Sam is the team parking lot attendant. I have know him since I was a teen. His wife made Sadie a beautiful quilt when I was pregnant. "Hi pretty girl. How are this evening?" — "I wrap my arms around his round middle "I'm great Sam. Sadie is with Sarah, I miss her already." he lets out a deep chuckle. "That never stops even when all your kids are grown up." I blow out a deep breath and giggle. "Well, have a good night Sam. I'll see you later! Don't worry I will bring down some treats." He waves as the click of my heels clack on the parking lot floor.

The room is a buzz with people setting up food, drinks, and others fidgeting with the lights. Tonight is our kick off party. Where we invite news stations and others to mingle with the players, owners and coaching staff. Tonight we are also introducing our new Keeper which has been a secret only for coaches to know. Let's hope he is good. We have struggled for a good one. "Zoey, you look stunning." a familiar voice startles me. Alan. Ugh. Of course he's here. Slowly turning around I give him a fake smile. "Alan. I didn't think you would want to show your face tonight. Aren't you too big of a deal for this event?" his stupid mouth turns into a smile. "Of course, not. You know I love this team." my eyes roll almost involuntary. "I gotta run, enjoy tonight." before I can walk around him. His arm grips my bicep. "Can I take you out for a drink later?" I rip my arm out of his grip. "How about not. Bye Alan, maybe you should take your wife and child out." I move quick away from him. What a freaking ass. I can't wait to tell Sarah about our interaction.

After meeting with my team, we await the arrival of the coaching staff. Including my Uncle. My Aunt Maisy moves right next me to and wraps her arm around me. "Hi pretty girl." I lean into her embrace. "Hi Aunt Maisy." She always brings instant comfort when she embraces you. After my parents died when I was ten, she and Uncle John took me in. John is my dad's brother. They didn't have children of their own. They raised me to believe I can handle anything. When I left for New York at eighteen, they supported my dreams. When I came back home, they helped me find my footing, when the team was hiring at a new photographer he went to the board and put my name down, I earned this on my own, and most importantly when that stick said pregnant they didn't question it and did all they could to help. Of course they often asked about the father. I said he wanted nothing to do with Sadie. The truth was he didn't know. It was a one night thing. He didn't need to know. He had a life of his own and I had one here. I kept tabs on him over the last few years, which wasn't hard he is a MLS star. He has a great record and has been doing amazing things. Any time his team played ours, I found something away from the arena to keep busy. He had no idea and that was fine with me.

"How was my sweet granddaughter tonight?" she hands me a glass of white wine. "She is with Sarah and is happy as a clam." Sipping my drink I glance around the room. Alan is currently hitting on some other poor woman. We are waiting for the guys to come in with Uncle John and the other coaches. I hear Aunt Maisy laugh "Here come the guys. They look so handsome all dressed up. Your Uncle is looking mighty good. That suit is working for him." I turn my face in disgust. They are all about PDA. The room fills with applause as the team enters, all dressed up looking so attractive and powerful. Heath makes his way to me and wraps me in his arms. He whispers in my ear "I'm sorry. He doesn't know though." pushing back I look at his face. I am confused, who is he? Heath takes a small step to the left. There standing in the doorway is Owen. Holy shit. The new goalie is Owen? My head shifts to Heath. "I swear I didn't know until yesterday, and I promise he doesn't know about Sadie." Heath and Sarah are the only two who know Sadie is Owen's. Owen is here. Owen is here to stay. Shit. Shit. Shit. 

My body is rooted in my spot. The room fades into silence it seems, almost like it did that night in the club. Dammit. There he is standing ten feet away. His tall firm body is wrapped in a fitted gray almost black suit, it's molded to his incredible body. His hair is longer than last time I saw him. He is moving towards me. I stand a little taller and chug the rest of the wine. I am going to need more wine. I look away from him in search of a waiter with more wine. 

"Zoey." his deep soothing voice brings my eyes to him, that voice I have longed to hear. "You look stunning." — "Owen...um..You're the new goalie?" he doesn't hesitate as he wraps his arms around me. My body melts into his. I swear I hear him inhale my hair. His body engulfs me with a scent that takes me back to four years ago. "Can I get you another drink? You chugged that one didn't ya." All I can do is nod. He lets me lead the way to the bar. I look over my shoulder at Heath. He gives me a shrug. The room is loud, with laughter and a million conversations. "Wanna go somewhere quieter and catch up?" His hand finds the small of my back, oh god the hand on my back, as he leads me to the patio area.

The door shuts and I am painfully aware we are alone. It's like my body has zero control. I blurt out "I had a daughter." his face goes from sexy smirk to utter confusion. Shit I just did that.

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