Zoey - Twenty

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Alan is sitting at the same kind of table Deb was. His hands cuffed to it as well. "Zoe Zoe." his voice is like nails on the chalkboard. "Don't call me that." His stupid face gives a stupid smile. "Cut this shit Alan. Why?" He lets out an evil laugh. How I ever thought I loved him, or he loved me is a mystery. I can't even think of the moment I liked him. Maybe it was the way he bought me gifts or the way he always made me feel pretty. How did I miss the way he was secretive or the way he never wanted to go to his house, or how we had to go out in a few towns over. I was an idiot. 

"Deb called me. She offered me a deal. Something that would make you mine again." my eyes roll. "I would never have been yours." — "Smashing your car window was not part of the plan. All I wanted to do was put on a story proving his digressions. So you would come back to me." My arms wrap around my body, I am suddenly cold. "Alan, you went too far. I was never yours. You cheated on your wife with me. You lied. You have a freaking son. You are not the type of man I would want. You will never see me again. If you don't get locked up, your job is done. You screwed up. Bye Alan. Never contact me again." He slams his hands down on the metal. The officer shouts "HEY. "I have nobody. My wife left me, and took my child." Alan tries to get to me turn back around. I nod to the officer to let him I am ready to leave.

My tough, and handsome Owen is there waiting for me. "Are you ok?" — "I am fine. Let's go home." The lawyer goes over charges they are facing and let's know he will call if he needs us for anything. Shaking hands we say bye. Owen opens the door for me, and helps me in.

It's been three weeks since the evening we went to the jail. Two weeks since Owen and Sadie proposed to me on Christmas morning and a week since another test said pregnant. I haven't told anyone yet, I am sitting at the doctors waiting for her to come do an ultrasound. knock, knock "Hi Zoey, how are you?" Dr. Murphy (Heath's oldest sister) greets me and gives me a huge hug. "I am so happy to hear you and Owen are engaged....and pregnant again!" a nervous laugh.

"Let's see this baby." the cool jelly on my belly makes me flash back to the first ultrasound with Sadie. The sudden sound of a heartbeat fills the room. She let's out a small laugh. "Why are you laughing Haley Renee." she turns the monitor to me "Holy fucking shit!" There on the tiny screen, clear as day is two sacks. Two small jelly bean sized babies. twins. Oh my god. I start laughing and can't stop. Haley starts laughing with me. "Well, by the measurements I am going to guess you are eight to ten weeks. Have you been feeling sick at all?" I shake my head side to side. "I only tested because my boobs have been hurting so bad. Like with Sadie."

The other night Owen went to suck on one and I yelped in pain. He felt so bad like he hurt me.

Leaving the office with a strip of photos I send Owen a text the guys are at the practice field. The season starts in a few weeks. Daily practices have started plus, morning weight sessions. I can't wait to tell him.

Me: Hey. Can I stop by for a second?
Owen: Yea. You ok? We are taking a break for lunch then heading back to run a few more drills.
Me: All good. See you in a few.

Pulling into the lot I park next to my Uncle's car. Let out a huge breath. Walking in the doors, I am greeted by several coworkers congratulating me on our engagement. I can hear the guys from here, they are all singing Taylor Swift all off key, the music they pick is always a huge mix. I enter the field and Diaz is the first to see me "Hey there Zoe Zoe." He gives me a high five. Owen notices me next, comes running lifts me up and spins me around. "Babe you are all sweaty." he rubs his face on mine "You love it. So what's up?"

"Can we go talk for a second?" "You ok, god are you hurt? Is it Sadie?" I laugh at his panic "No we are all fine." I grab his hand and drag him to the other side of the field. My hand reaches into my bag and I grab the photos. I stretch them out in my hands. "Just found out last week, went today..." His face is beaming. "A baby??!" He goes to pick me up and stops. "Wait, what is this one with two circles?" 

"Um, it's the other baby." His face turns white and he looks like he could puke. "Two? As in twins?" All I can do is nod. He starts shouting and jumping around causing everyone to look. "Are you shitting me baby? Twins!"

He grabs me and lifts me by my butt my legs wrap around him. He walks us to the team. "Guys this sexy woman is having twins!" They all start shouting and cheering. He sets me down and my Uncle comes to hug me. "Twins? Don't worry I will act shocked when you tell Maise."

Seven months later ....

It's game day. The sky is blue without a cloud in the sky, the sun is hot. The team has been doing well they're number four in the league and well on the way to win the league cup, Owen is kicking ass as expected. He headed to the arena two hours ago, Sadie and I are about to head out when the door opens. "Auntie Sarah!" I hear my daughters little voice. Ever since our stalker incident we have a code only friends and family know. "Hey!" She is standing in the door wearing cut offs, and heath's jersey. She is torturing him. I am treading lightly not spooking her with what I think this means. "Woah." She gasps as I turn around. My belly is huge, my toes have disappeared from my view. I need more help than I admit. I have biker shorts and an Avalanche tank top with Owen's number on the back. It's all that fits right now. "You are looking hot." Her comment upsets me as does everything, I chuck a hair brush at her. She screams as she jumps out of the way. "What the hell, bitch!" — "I am so fat!" I groan as I have a small cramp. Doctor says I'm in the dilated to two and sixty percent effaced. She wants me on bed rest but I sure as hell wasn't missing this game. She agreed to let me go and just sit. With my feet up. Owen and I fought about this week, I ended winning.

She carefully walks up to me and hugs me from behind. "You are beautiful, Zoe Zoe. Come on let's go see our guys kick ass." Sadie skips in dressed in her game day outfit. I had a dress made for her out of one of Owen's jerseys. It's so cute, her outfit is complete with a huge blue bow. "I ready!" Poppy our dog is barking like crazy, she wants to come but she can't. That dog is always following Sadie around, Sadie tries to sneak her into the car often. Owen got her a special game day shirt too though.

The sounds of the arena, the smells and the feeling is like a second home. The crowd is alive with excitement. We make our way down to our seats behind the team. Sadie is bouncing around saying hi all the families and friends shes made. I take my pregnant ass and shift around in my seat. "Ooff.." I clenched my stomach. "Zoe, lets just go. You are in pain." Shooting Sarah a death glare she whines "Owen is going to kill me." She takes a huge swig of her beer. Aunt Maisy reaches over and pats my knee. "I see you won the fight this week?" I laugh "Duh!"

The crowd goes wild when the teams walk out of the tunnel. This is always my favorite part. The energy is out of the world, the arena is loud with screams and music. Seeing Owen decked out in his kit does something for me, the way his jersey fits him. The guys take their spots on the field. "GO DADDY!" Sadie shouts at the top of her lungs. Owen scratches his neck, it's his tell for us. It means "I love you." The match starts, the other team steals the ball and takes the ball down right to Owen. I can see him getting ready, his legs spread and knees bent. He is ready. The focus on his face is like a lion hunting his prey. He makes that same face sometimes in bed. The player launches the ball towards Owen. He catches it in his hands like it's nothing and kicks it back down the field. Sadie screams and jumps. I love her excitement watching the games. She is one hundred percent his child. She's known to yell at anyone who trash talks her dad. We've had to have the don't call people shit heads talk a few times.

We are nearing half time when I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. "What is it?" Sarah grips my arm. Breathing through the pain. The team exits the field. "Sarah, I think we need to go." Sarah taps Aunt Maisy and tells her. "I got Sadie. Sarah you take her." She helps me up. "Do not tell Owen." They both give me the look. Sarah groans as she waves over the attendant to get us an escort to the hospital. "Owen is going to kill me." Sarah groans from behind me. "Bye Mommy. I love you." Sadie hollers and blows me a kiss. "I love you."

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