Owen - Nineteen

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Hearing about the incident at the mall. My heart sank to my stomach. I was so glad they were safe and unharmed. This whole situation is getting worse. The officers assure me they are doing all they can to find her and put this to rest.

It's around five am when I wake up to the quiet house all but a small clank in the kitchen. I slowly step down the stairs. My dad is standing there waiting for his coffee. "Shit pop, you scared me. Why you up?" His deep laugh echos then he slaps his hand on his mouth remembering to be quiet. "The snowplow woke me up." He pulls another cup out of the cupboard for me "That was hard to get used to." Sitting at the island we both grip our warm mugs. "How ya doing son? With this situation?" That's a loaded question. "I want nothing more than to catch this woman, and make it stop." Taking a sip before I continue "I was so scared yesterday. If either of them had been hurt, I don't know what I would have done. Two of my favorite women." My dad adjusts in his stool. "I was worried too. I'm so glad they were ok. We've never had to deal with something like this, in your whole career." Nodding I agree. You hear stories of other athletes or celebrities having stalkers, you never think it will happen to you.

"Hey! I just had a great idea. Let's do something fun today before your sisters and their families comes in." — "What did ya have in mind?" He gives me his grin. The same grin he would give us as kids, when he had an idea. One time it was cutting school to go to the beach, another time it was camping out in the backyard, and my favorite was the time he woke us all up in the middle of the night and we got in the car and drove for hours. We had no idea, until we saw the Disneyland sign.

"Wanna find us some sleds?" He gives me a fist pump at the thought of his genius idea. "Hell yes I do. Let's go before the ladies of the house wake up." We both quietly get dressed and head out. The only store open this hour is Wal-Mart. I may have more money than I need but, I secretly love this store. It has all you could ever need. An employee points us in the direction for sleds and snow gear. All we need for day of sledding is secure in the car. "This is going to be awesome!" I am feeling like a kid again, excited to do something with my parents and let Sadie experience a fun Jackson outing.

We get home and find my mom and Sadie in the kitchen making some pancakes. Sadie's favorite breakfast food, I'm pretty sure she's eighty percent pancakes. "Hey where were you two trouble makers." Dad and I stare at each other giving each other a guilty face. "Just went to grab something for today." My mom can see right through us "Hope it doesn't get anyone into trouble." My Dad kisses my mom "I got arrested one time..." I laugh, he wasn't even arrested he was just detained for toilet papering, Lydia's boyfriends house. "We have a surprise for later!"

"A surprise?!" Sadie squeals. My mom shushes her "Ssshh Mama is asleep!" Sadie cover her mouth and giggles. "I am awake!" She wraps her arms around my waist kisses my shoulder and gives me dad a kiss on his cheek. "Morning darling" he kisses her cheek back.

"What is this about a surprise?" She questions as she starts making some coffee. My mom starts saying "They haven't told me yet, but if I know my husband it will be fun!"

My phone rings and Zoey whips her head to me. Pulling it out "It's the police." I step into the living room "Hello, this is Owen." — "Hi this is Chief Lewis. Mr. Williams we have some good news" Zoey is at my side. "Yes?" He starts to speak again. "We have Deb in custody along with a Mr. Alan Jones. Also, on the down low Deb is not pregnant. I thought you need that info." My eyes go wide. Zoey is looking at me mouthing what is happening?. "Oh wow." He asks if we can head to the station for a bit. "We will be there in an hour. Thank you so much for the quick work of this."

Hanging up. Zoey tilts her head up "What happened?" I use my fingers to touch her chin "They caught them. and she isn't pregnant." Her face looks confused "Them?"

We arrive at the station hand in hand. Jake my lawyer is there as well. Shaking my hand he leads to the room where the Chief is waiting. "Mr. Williams, Miss. Clawson....I am very glad to meet you. I wish this was under better circumstances." — "You caught them? Can we see them?" I whip my head down to her. "Like hell, we are sitting down with them." her hand grasps my bicep. "I need to talk to her, and find out why." The Chief assures me we can sit in a room with them, and have officers there as well. "Fine. I know she will do it anyways." He lets out a laugh "You have learned quick, son. Happy wife. Happy life." Zoey starts to say "Oh we aren't married...." I cut her off "No, joke. My wife will always be happy." Her eyes go wide. Yep. She is my wife. If not official then it will be as soon as she will let me wife her up. "We will talk about that later...." she whispers. Yes, yes, we will.

The room is a small cement room, a table in the middle two chairs on one side and one on the other. Deb is handcuffed to the table, her head is down, I see her eyes are red from crying. Her hair is a giant fluff ball. This woman looks much different then the woman in the articles. She slowly raises her eyes to us. A chill runs down my spine. Zoey breaks the silence "Hi Deb. I am Zoey." Deb looks taken back by Zoey's tone. Truth I am too. She sits in the metal chair leaving the other for me. I chose to stand behind her chair. My hands on her shoulders, a silent this woman is mine move. The officer off to my left clears his throat. "You guys got ten minutes." I give him a nod.

"Deb, I see you aren't pregnant. Should we start there?" how is she staying so calm right now. I am freaking the fuck out. Deb clears her throat. "Two years ago, I had this boyfriend. He was a drunk and an abusive asshole. I dumped him. Next thing I know I am pregnant." I need to sit for this. My knee touches Zoey's. "He found out and flipped out. He was pissed. He ended up beating me, and I lost the baby." Zoey lets out a small cry. "I am sorry, you had to go through that. That isn't fair for anyone." My girl, is so caring and has a spot in her heart for anyone.

"We had season tickets to your games, it was the one thing he and I enjoyed. Despite the abuse I was enduring the games were the time he put on a happy front for his coworkers. I went to a game with a friend. She wanted to wait for your autograph, so we did and I was taken back with your smile. You made us all feel special. When you said my name I died...you seemed so nice and caring." I remember seeing her at the games, always with another blonde. With my career there are always women who flock to us, and try to throw themselves at us.

"Deb, you are better than this. You can't go around ruining others lives. You need help. I hope you get some in jail." Zoey touches my knee to stop it from shaking. Deb sniffles. The officer let us know time is up. "Bye." is all Deb says.

The door slams and Zoey jumps, my arm wraps around her and I kiss her head. "Mr. Alan Lincoln is right here." the officer reaches for the handle. Zoey places a hand on my chest. "Baby, I need to do this alone. Please." —"The hell you are. You are not seeing that creep alone." She laughs "Ok tough guy, I wont be alone." she winks at the officer. "Fine."

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