Owen - Twelve

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Waking up to a woman in my bed is something that isn't normal for me. Truth is I haven't woken up with a woman since my divorce. The first person I was with after was the last. Zoey. I hear little babbles coming from down the hall. Zoey hasn't stirred yet. I slowly get up and slip out into the hall. Sadie playing with her dolls nicely. "Dad!" "Morning princess! Did you have good dreams?" Sadie lays her head in my shoulder. We head into the kitchen in search of some breakfast. "Whatcha thinking for breakfast this morning?" Her little face turns into her thinking face before she says a little to loud "Panacakes and bacon!" — "Pancakes and bacon, that sounds delicious." I set her down to play and watch a show while I cook. The sound of Bluey fills the room. Can't help myself but to sing along to the theme song.

I help Sadie into her seat and give her some food. "Tanks Da!" Her little cheeks are filled with food right away.

I quietly watch her eat. My life has drastically changed since coming to Utah. Oddly it feels right. Feels normal. This is all I've ever wanted. A family. Well, sure we are a unconventional family. Zoey and I aren't together all though it feels like it. I used to envy the guys who would have their little families in the family seats at games. Seeing their kids run the field at the end of the games. All I had was my parents, sometimes sisters and when I was married to Kelsey, she didn't come often. I can't wait for Sadie to be at the games, going out with me when we do the line up.

The door upstairs clicks open. Sadie doesn't even question why Zoey is here this morning. "Mum!" She greets her, then goes back to shoving food in her face like it's her last meal.

Zoey is wearing sweats and one of my hoodies. It comes to her thighs. She looks stunning just like this. My heart starts beating fast. Her hair is tossed up with various pieces hanging down. I don't think she knows how gorgeous she is. "Morning!" She places a kiss on my bicep like it's a total normal things to do. "That looks pretty good on you." Nodding to her hoodie. "Thanks for these too." Her foot kicks out. When I asked Jo to pick out some stuff for Zoey she ran with it. She picked out anything she could ever need to have here.

After breakfast we are lounging on the couch watch our daughter go from one thing to the next. It's so funny to watch her just play. My agent has sent me several emails with endorsement deals and other things he thinks would be the smartest move. Some are coming in for children's products. He wants us to use the whole father thing to our advantage. I am also texting Coach to see if they can babysit and making plans for a romantic evening. I want to give her the best evening tonight. I don't want to leave my girls but, I have a practice session.

At the practice field I'm running drills with Juan one of our rookies. He plays keeper as well, I have sort of taken him under my wing to teach him all I know. My body knows it's tired, and doesn't have much left. "That rights. Nice! Gomez you are killing it." The guys are asking about Sadie and Zoey. They are all so invested since they have know Zoey for longer. Several have given me the "Hurt her and I will kill you" speech, I could never hurt her. She may not believe me when I say she is important to me, and I am hers. The quickness of this scares her and that is fine. To be honest I feel a little scared but, honestly it's a good scared.

After practice I head to the jeweler Heath recommend, to pick up Zoey's gift. I wanted something to show her how much I appreciate her. After I grab her a huge rose arrangement, I don't know her favorite flower so, I figured roses are the best bet. When I pull into my driveway a black sedan is parked across the street from my gate. My house doesn't get traffic so it is odd. I just assume it's someone visiting my neighbor. The car has dark windows so I can't see inside. Odd. I make a note to have Seth check my cameras later. Seth is my driver and make shift security. I am getting ready to go pick up Zoey, the nerves suddenly hit. My phone dings.

Seth: All set boss. Ready when you are.

Me: Thanks. Be out in a moment.

Seth: Copy.

"Evening Mr. Williams—Owen." Seth always forgets he can call me Owen. "Evening Seth. While I have you, could you do me a favor and go through the cameras the last twenty-four hours. "Sure thing, boss. Anything in particular?" — "There was just a car earlier than seemed out of place." Seth gives me a nod and starts driving to Zoey's. "Are you nervous? Miss. Clawson is sure a gorgeous woman and that little Sadie is just the cutest thing." He isn't wrong. "Oh, I know it. I'm just nervous she will think this is all too much. Truth is she deserves more." Seth chuckles "She is sure nicer than Mrs. Jackson." he is referring to my ex. His comments makes me laugh hard.

Standing at the her door, I hesitate before ringing the bell. "Chill man, this is just a date. You slept in the same bed as her last night. You got this!" I push the bell. I can hear her footsteps run down the stairs along with "Oh shit!" that makes me smile. The door opens almost in slow motion. I am speechless, she has a dress on that hugs her just right. I know what's under that, and that makes it harder to push these dirty thoughts down. Her hair is straight tonight, and her lips are painted dark pink, they look damn delicious.

Once we are in the car, we are making small talk. She doesn't know the evening I have planned. The drive up into the mountains, its beautiful. Utah is mind blowing. We have arrived at the restaurant. Zoey gasps, Sarah told me this is a place she has always wanted to go. They have these private globes each with a table. It's pretty magical. Once she gets situated, she finally opens her gift a white gold bracelet. The look on her face is all worth it. "Owen, this is stunning." I reach over the table and grab her hand. She has no idea how hard I have fallen for her. Dinner is wonderful, the steak and mashed potatoes were heavenly. I will be dreaming about the potatoes for weeks. Her cheeks have a hint of pink on them due to the wine, her eyes are glowing in the candlelight and twinkle lights. Snow has started to lightly fall around us, it cascades a magical Christmas feel.

"Are you ready for the next portion of the evening?" Her head tilts down toward me, she is giving me a sexy smirk. "Yes." Leading her to the car her hands find mine and our fingers tangle together. Before we take another step I pause to look at our hands and then her face. Our hands are a perfect fit. "Are you ok?" she questions my pause. "Yes I am. Let's go gorgeous." — "Where are we going now?" she doesn't slide all the way across, she stays in the middle seat. I wrap my arm around her and she snuggles in. Seth takes us to the next stop. I booked us a room at the Park City Hotel. Not with the intention to have sex with her, just to spend some time together. "Owen...." her voice is quiet. "I have a bag for you, and don't worry this isn't a rouse to sleep with you." Her lips place a kiss on my cheek "Thank you!"

The suite I have booked has large windows to take in the view of the mountains, you can see the chair lifts with people night skiing. I want nothing more to pull her close and kiss her body all over. I turn the fire place on and set out bags on the bed. "So...." she plops down on the chair by the fireplace. "So..."

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