Owen - Sixteen

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"Thank you for gathering here today. I understand you all have questions, I hope I will clear some of them up and appreciate your understanding at this time. There is a woman who is claiming I am the father of her unborn child, I can see how the media would believe this story. I do have a child I recently met. This woman is someone I have had no physical contact with. She is a fan I have met a few times after games through a fence. My team has been in contact with hers, the timing doesn't add up. I was not in California at the time. We have offered a dna test and her team has refused. I wish her nothing but the best at this time..." Jed is going to kill me before I finish "...I appreciate your time and before I leave I would like to tell the mother of my daughter I am sorry for the stress this has caused. I want her to know I love her and hope she will be more than just the mother of my child. Zoey, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" The room erupts in chatter and cameras flashing. All I focus on is the beautiful eyes looking at me, the huge smile on her face and the nodding of her head.

Stepping off the podium I stand before Zoey, her blue eyes are glassy. "Zoe..." She lifts up on her tip toes and slides her hands on my chest. "Yes. I love you baby daddy!" I give her a smirk and a low growl "Don't start with me baby." She lets out a little giggle. Our lips collide, it's a sweet but passionate kiss. "Ok, ok. Thank you for your time." I can hear Jed attempting to silence the room. I led her out of the room and into the hall. Ignoring the shouts of Jed.

"Owen that was not in the script...." Jed hollers at us. His phone rings and "I know!" Is that last thing I hear him shout before we exit the hallway.

Hand in hand we go into her office. "Owen, what is going to happen now?" — "I don't know. We just wait to see what the media and what her team will say. I can't imagine there will be much she can do without any proof." She leans against her desk crossing her ankles. I drink her in, she is the sexiest woman in the world. Her curves, her lips, and her eyes. More importantly her love she has for our daughter, her hard work, and her ability to love me are all the sexiest qualities about her.

"Let's go home." Her lips form into a smile. "Your home?" Her head shakes side to side slowly "No. Our home." My heart drops into my stomach, our home. "Sadie and I are moving in permanently. Hope that's ok? You ready for two girls to take over the house?" She doesn't know the joy this brings me. Having her and Sadie under the same roof with me permanently, is aIl I could ask for. "Baby, that is music to my ears." Reaching out for her hand "Let's go home." Right then and there I decide, she will be my wife one day. Sooner the better.

It's been a few days since the girls officially moved in. Her townhouse sold in one day to Heath actually, and moving was quick with the company I hired. I didn't want her to lift a finger. Besides all they needed to move was personal items. She is going to redecorate our home. Today is Sadie's birthday, she five.

Sadie comes running into our room and leaps on me. Causing me to grunt since she landed right on my stomach. "I'm five. I'm five. Dad, Mom I five!" — "Happy Birthday baby girl" Sadie wraps her arms around the both of us. "No no no. I's not a baby any more!" She is tossing around like a fish out of water and shoving her body in between us. "You are right! You are a big girl! Do you want a big girl donut for breakfast?" That comments causes Sadie to kick her legs and flail her arms while screaming "Yes!" This right here is all I've ever wanted. "Ok go get your shoes on, mommy and I will be right there." Sadie skips off to her room signing happy birthday to herself. I love how easy it is for her to find the joy in things. Something simple as donuts can bring a child an insane amount of joy. Zoey sits up and pats my stomach "Let's go get some donuts. Mama wants one too!" She is changing into her sweats as I watch her every move. How did I not know how much I needed this? Not to mention she's sexy as hell. "Well, daddy needs something else. It's a shame we don't have time." She rolls her eyes at me. "Tonight, babe." Giving me a wink. I let out a groan which makes me laugh. From the hall we hear "I ready!"

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