Zoey - Fifteen

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"Zoe, you have a visitor." Aunt Maisy hollers from downstairs. "No it's not him." She knows I don't want to see him. That article this morning knocked the wind out of my lungs. I felt betrayed. That woman was very pregnant. I don't know his life before here, maybe it was fake or maybe it's real. How am I suppose to know? I barely know him. I know the way he makes me feel, he makes me feel loved. He makes me think we could really have a life. The way he loves Sadie and she loves him. That means something. If this is true, then I have to go back to my life as a single mom. That breaks my heart. I love Owen but, Sadie and I come first.

I hope to god this story is false.

Before I can make it down, Jo appears at the top to the stairs. I look at her for a beat and the tears fall again. These damn tears. She wraps me into her arms. "Sssh, no more of that. You hear?" Sadie's little voice from downstairs fills the silence. The moment I came over she asked for Dad. She loves him so much. This will wreck her too. She needs her Dad, even if we can't work this out.

"He sent you? He can't even come himself?" I wipe the water from my eyes. "He is heading to the stadium for a press conference. He did not send me. I came on my own." Joleen reaches into her bag and hands me a tissue "Sweetie, I have know that man since he was a young twenty something year old just trying to navigate his way into this world." She moves from the bed to the chair "I have been with him through many ups and downs. I was there when that bitch Kelsey cheated on him...I was there when his dad broke his back and Owen had to take a leave from his team to help out his parents..."—"and he was there for me when my husband died. He paid for funeral. Gave me months off, bought me a home here for my family and has treated me as family not an employee." I'm about to speak when she lifts her finger up to shush me. "....and I was there when he came back from here and told me about this beautiful woman he met. The woman who made him remember what love could be." — "and I was the first person after his parents he told about Sadie. He came walking into the house with a stunned looked on his face, stunned but happy. He beamed as he told me about her and about you." Deep down I have to know he is a good man.

Tossing the tissue into the trash can, I stare in the mirror at my red puffy eyes. "Zoey, he is a good man. He is so in love with you. I think he was after that first night. I know I know, it was just a hook up. I'm hip with the lingo but, what I am positive about is, you are the only woman for him. This other woman is a liar and is nothing but, a sick woman. I would know if there was other women. Trust me I would."

Before I can say anything she holds up a garment bag and box I didn't even notice til now. "Go put on this sexy outfit, fix that face and let's go." — "Go where?" She is in the doorway with her back to me "To get your man." How does Jo do that? How does she calm your nerves and make it all ok. I mumble under my breath. Not wanting her to come back and dress me herself I listen.

My brown boots click down the stairs, the pants in the bag were my favorite dark wash jeans, with a gray sweater, fabric is so soft, the sleeves are long but sheer. This makes me feel amazing, I remember seeing this in the closet at Owens. Aunt Maisy, Jo, and Sadie both look at me on the stairs. "Mama! You wook pretty!" Sadie shouts as she wraps her arms around my legs, her little pigtails bounce as she skips away. "Thanks baby." Jo stands and puts her coat back on. "Thank you for the tea Maisy. Let's definitely have lunch next week." They hug, Jo bends down and kisses Sadie's head "See you later sweetie!"--"Bye grammie Jo!" She has started calling her that and it's the cutest thing. That little girl is so loved. She hasn't even met Owen's parents yet. She's FaceTimed but, is supposed to meet them this next week for her birthday. If we can't fix this will she lose her new found family?

Sadie was so upset she couldn't come with me to see her Dad. I comforted her and told her I would be back with him. I sure as hell don't know if this woman is telling the truth but, I do know I love him. If she is pregnant with his baby, I have to do everything in my power to protect my heart and Sadie. Even though, I want nothing more than to be with him. He is it for me. I want to have the house, the dog and the kids running around. I want it all.

Pulling into the parking lot, I suddenly feel sick. What is he going to say to the press? What is going to happen? Jo reach's across the center console to grab my hand. "You ready darling?" Hell no I am not. "Yep." Stepping onto the snow covered ground a chill runs over my body. Everything is slushy and wet. Walking into the stadium the same way I've walked thousands of times, I see people moving about quickly as we do anytime we have a press event. My Uncle is standing talking to a man in an expensive brown suit, with gray hair cut to perfection, his glasses even look expensive. I'm gonna guess this is Jed. I don't see Owen anywhere, eyes scan the room until they land on fucking Alan. He gives me a stupid ass smile as he stalks over to me. "Zoey, how are you baby?" He goes in for a hug but before he can I step to the side. "Do not call me that." — "I can't even believe he got someone pregnant again. What a fucking idiot." Why does Alan always make me wanna roll my eyes "You are one to talk about being an idiot. Remember how you were married when you were sleeping with me oh and you were having a baby with her?" His face twists into a face of a child being caught stealing candy. "Please leave me alone I need to find Owen." Alan steps aside "I saw him in the hallway a few minutes ago." My hands touches his shoulder as I shove him out of my way.

Moving my through the crowd of people, I can see them looking at me and whispering about me. "Please move...excuse me.....move." I turn to the hallway and see him crouched down on the ground his back against the wall. His hands are holding a paper. He looks as heartbroken as I do. I stare at him for a minute before I step toward him. His hair is combed but, you can tell he has been shoving his hands in it. His beard is trimmed the way I love.

Taking one step closer "Owen..." his head whips up. He stands up quick and looks at me. I can see the stress all over his face immediately go away when he lays his eyes on me. "Owen...I love you." He takes three large steps and pulls me into his firm body. "Baby, I love you so fucking much. Please tell me you really do?" His big hands are gripping my face, his nose pressed against my forehead. "I love you. We will get through this. I don't know how but, I want you. I need you. I am nothing without you. Sadie and I need you." His lips find mine, and he presses against my body. Our lips dance together in a sweet kiss that turns passionate. Like our first kiss the world has faded away. We hear a throat being cleared and see my Uncle standing by. "Well, I see things are going well. It's time Jackson." He lets out breath and kisses my forehead. He wraps his hand my hand and we walk together to the room. He takes the stage while I stand off to the side. Joleen reaches and grabs my hand.

The room quiets as my uncle stands next to Owen. Jed clears his throat "I want to welcome you all today. This has been a whirlwind few hours. Today Owen Williams will make a statement and will not be answering questions." A few reporters groan. He steps up to the microphones he locks eyes with me and without speaking any words to one another I know he is saying "I love you".

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