Chapter 5:A pissed of brother?

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Bangchan:"God damnit."

Seungmin:"What's wrong?"

Bangchan:"Felix won't be coming today, agian."

Seungmin,Changbin:"WHAT WHY?!"

Bangchan:"Because 'something' came up."

Changbin:"It's a guy, isn't it."

Bangchan:"Yeap, He's found another one who's paying him."

Seungmin:"But what if he isn't being paid?

Changbin:"Yeah, what he generally just wants to, you know."

Bangchan:"He's my brother, He does stripping for a living. So unless he quited his job at the club to actually not get paid for it."

Changbin:"HE'S A STRIPER?!"

Changbin yelled as he was shocked, but this made everyone in the restaurant look at them.

Seungmin:"Keep it quiet, and how did you not know he was one?"

Bangchan:"We never told him, remember."

Seungmin:"Oh yeahhh."

Changbin:"So you think he actually likes the guy."

Bangchan:"By what I just heard, yes, yes, he does."

Changbin:"Oh. . . Well, at least he's happy."

Seungmin:"You should've made a move sooner if you wanted him."

Bangchan:"WAIT, hold on, you like my little brother?"

Changbin:"Yeah, I have for a while."

Bangchan:"Dude, that's my little brother!"

Changbin:"I know. But he's just too cute."

Seungmin:"Chan, don't get mad that Changbin likes your little bro, He can't help who he catches feelings for."

Bangchan:"Whatever. I'm heading home."

Changbin:"But we just got here."

Bangchan:"I know, but I need to find something."

Seungmin, Changbin:"Byee!"

Bangchan walked out of the restaurant, and he climbed onto his motorcycle. He wasn't ro happy with his little brothers actions. He placed his helmet on his head and started the bike. He soon took off.

(We're now back with Felix and hyunjin)

Hyunjin:"Why are your Jaws dropped?"

Hyunjin asked Han and Lee know who were sitting across the table from them.

Han:"How is he able to walk?!"

Han pointed to Felix he was sitting at the Felix who was across from them.

Hyunjin:"Oh come on, yall have fucked for hours and you're still able to walk, right Han?"

Lee know:"Hey, we don't bring our sex life into this."

Hyunjin:" Whatever!"

Han:"But yall went from the bathroom having like 10 rounded there, then went to the bedroom and had like another 10 rounds there too!?"

Felix:"Yes we did."

Lee know:"Still, how is he able to walk?."

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