5 | Ice cream

385 18 41

"Komaeda-kun, can you do me a favor?" Maizono asked.

"Sure! What is it?"

"Could you maybe ask Hinata-kun about his type?"

"His type?"

"Like in girls. What kind of girls is he into?"

"Oh! I, uhm, sure. I can do that,"

Maizono smiled. "Oh, thanks you're the best! I'd have been way too nervous to ask!"

"No problem,"

And so, during lunch break, he hesitantly made his way over to Hinata's table. He knew Hinata would think that he was asking for himself since the brunet thought Komaeda had a crush on him, but Komaeda didn't care. He had given up on his self-worth, honor and dignity long ago.



"Can you come with me? I have to ask you something,"

Souda spoke up. "Can't you ask him here?"

"No, sorry,"

Hinata got up. "I'll be right back,"

Both boys left the room and went outside.

"This is gonna be a bit weird, but... what kind of girls do you like?"

"You don't have to like... try to look like the girls I'm into in order to-"

"Ah, I'm asking for my friend. She likes you,"

Hinata turned a bit red. "Oh, uh... who is it?"

"I'm not telling you. But can you answer now? What's your ideal type of girl?"

"Uh... she should be nice,"

Komaeda sighed. "That's a very basic answer. What about hair? Long or short?"

"How long is long?"

Komaeda pointed at his hip. "What about down to here?"

"Uh, sure. That looks nice. But shorter hair is cool too,"

"And what about her personality? Should she be calm or energetic?"

"Either is fine,"

"Pessimistic or optimistic?"

"I mean, a mixture of both. You can't be happy or sad all the time, right? It changes,"

"And what about hair color? Do you prefer hair to be dark or light?"

"I like light hair, but I wouldn't reject someone simply because they have dark-"

"Oh nooo... You don't have a type at all..."


Komaeda sighed. "You can't decide on anything. You always say either is fine,"

"Well..." He scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, all girls are pretty. It doesn't depend on looks entirely,"

"That's nice and all, but... there's gotta be at least one thing you really like about girls! I don't care if it's something physical or a personality trait,"

"Uh... I like nice girls, like I said,"

"This is so frustrating... how can you not have a type at all?"

"Then what about your type?"

Komaeda turned red. "Huh?"

"If it's such an easy question to answer, then answer it,"

"Well... that's... Someone like me can't have standards like that, but you can,"

Hinata raised an eyebrow. "Someone like you?"

♡ Eraser | Hinakoma/ Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now