Chapter 1: Clan vs. Clan... A Dark Battle

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Bushes quivered and cats stepped out, pelts gleaming.
One of the cats, the leader, flicked its tail, and padded fourth, eyes glinting with a strange, bloody hunger... A hunger for blood and war.
As the cats crept silently toward their chosen target, prey scuffed the ground, fleeing.

"BlazeClan, ATTACK!", screeched the leader, and they crashed into a camp, and flung themselves at Warriors and Apprentices of different sizes.

"BlazeClan, how dare you attack GalaxyClan!",snarled a voice, Demonstar, the GalaxyClan leader.

"This land will belong to real Warriors soon...",snapped back a voice, a she-cat pinned down Demonstar, and tore her claws across his chest, blood swelled and pooled over the leader's body...    He had a life taken from him.... 
The she-cat's eyes blazed with triumph

"BlazeClan will rule the territories.",growled the she-cat in Demonstar's ear before he went limp, she let out a yowl as a tabby tom leaped onto her back, and sunk his claws into her back, she rolled, squishing the tom under her.

"Bloodstar",snarled the tom.

"RageClaw",spat back the Clan leader.

Bloodstar leaped up, and lashed her claws across the tom's face, sending him backwards.       RageClaw stumbled, and found that he was outnumbered, two cats leaped at him,and pinned him down, and tore their claws at him, RageClaw let out a shriek, and jumped up, and fled from the camp, bleeding and bruised.
Two cats followed an Apprentice and his sister, gaze flickering from each cat.

Bloodstar leaped at the Deputy, Shadeheart. She pinned the black and grey tabby tom, and hissed.

"Who'll rule the forest now? Shadeheart? Not GalaxyClan, not LightningClan, and certainly, not DawnClan. It'll be BlazeClan who'll rule the forest, and bow down to my Warriors. Not mouse-hearts like you.",she sneered, and drove her claws even deeper into the Deputy's chest, smirking as he struggled to get free.

Bloodstar was suddenly rammed in the side, she slid across the ground, Shadeheart's mate, Quickstream, blocked her mate, but she was heavy with kits.

I can invade the camp with Warriors to snatch the kits... And kill Quickstream and pathetic mate... We'll have seasons of kits.
BlazeClan won't stop. But my Deputy needs to be killed. If she doesn't become Leader, then my Clan won't be weak with a shrew for a leader...
,thought Bloodstar, who let out a hiss, and jumped over the queen, and pinned down an Apprentice, and tore through him, the only remains were blood, guts, and flesh.
His eyes were torn out, and claws scattered to the ground beside him, she laughed darkly, eyes blazing.

"This is a warning to all of you. Bow down by the next Gathering, and you'll not be this poor pathetic Apprentice, you don't. Then...",she kicked the torn, and fleshed body.
"This is your new look.",she spat.

"This is your last chance to back down.",she snarled.

She flicked her tail, her Warriors and The only remains of the battle were wounded Warriors, dead GalaxyClan cats, some had similar looks of the Apprentice she killed.

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