Chapter 4: Secrets Are Revealed...

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FireWind lifted her head, and sniffed the air, she turned her head and saw a rabbit hopping, unaware of her presence.
She crouched low, her gaze flickered with interest.
This'll make a great gift for the Tribe...,she thought.

She stalked slowly forward, then, when it was too late for the rabbit to flee, she leaped, and nipped its neck, a slim trickle of blood drizzled from the hole in the neck.
She licked her lips, she flinched at the bloody taste, she sighed, and cleaned the blood off.

She padded on. Her stomach rumbled with hunger. She sighed, and caught squirrel swiftly, and ate it.
But when she returned, the rabbit had gone, a faint screech filled the air, then it was loud, when it was almost too late, she dodged.
She fled, too scared to face the enemy, she let out a howl of pain when the claws or talons, raked her back.
She dove into a bush, panting and shaking.

"T-That was close..",she panted.

When the noise faded to nothing, she crawled out from the shelter.
FireWind flattened her fur, and carried on.
A cold blast of air smacked her in the face, and buffeted her fur.

"I must be close, a little more stones and the wind feels colder than normal.",she murmured.
But when she reached the end of the Clan border, a cat tackled her, more like two.

But they rolled across the grass, tackling each other.When they broke apart, she saw her mother, but an unrecognizable black tom.
She stayed dazed, before exclaiming.

"Shadowpaw!", but Bloodstar shoved her back.

"You aren't allowed to see cats from other Clans. Being mates with them in fact.",spat Bloodstar She saw Shadowfang bristle.

"Don't speak to Firepaw like that, and it's Shadowfang now.",he retorted.

"And have you heard of a she-cat and a tom just being friends!?"
FireWind nodded, but she was bristling with anger too.

"I-", before she was able to start, Bloodstar cut her off.

"Get away from FireWind, NOW or I'll do what I did to your parents!",she snarled, claws out.
FireWind bristled.
Shadowfang did as well.
"I'm not a CLAN cat! Plus, make me! I don't have to listen to a bloodthirsty murder!"
FireWind suddenly turned and growled at Shadowfang,

"She might be stern, and you might be my friend, but no one. NO ONE talks to my mother like that.",she spat.
She glared at Shadowfang. "Do as she told you. Leave.",she snapped

"I thought you were different from BlazeClan. But you've turned sides with them. You are never welcomed again. Just think how your best friend, Arrowpaw would think of YOU"
FireWind snorted.

"Think of me however you wish. I guess you have no loyalty to your SPY.",she hissed, tail fur fluffed up.

"Blackstripe is in our camp now, because he was caught spying for your TRIBE.",she ignored Bloodstar's look, and continued.

"If you want your weasel pelted rat, you can come and have him.",she spat, then, lunged forward, and slammed him back into a hard-wooded tree, she sniffed and turned around, and followed her mother back to camp.
And I thought the Tribe was my only friend besides RisingFlames.,she thought sourly.


FireWind layed on the grass beside RisingFlames, she rested her head on her paws.

"I told you not to do it, FireWind. They wou-"

"I thought I said not to bring it up?",she snapped in reply.
RisingFlames flinched and looked at his paws.
FireWind sniffed, and stalked off, tail lashing, claws tearing up the ground as she walked.
She ignored Darkflame's stare. She knew the tom liked her as well. But she had no feelings back.
Then she saw him right next to her.

BlazeClan's Secret: A Dangerous SecretWhere stories live. Discover now