Chapter 2: New Kits, Warriors... & Deputy?

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Bloodstar watched her Clan, gaze narrowed. Her Warriors were the worst wounded, and two of her Clanmates were killed.
She yowled.

"All Cats Old Enough To Battle Gather Underneath the Fire Willow!"

Cats gathered below, gaze uncertain.
Bloodstar sniffed at her Deputy, Phoenixflame. The she-cat gazed back at Bloodstar with a hate look in her eyes.
Ignoring her Deputy, she began;

"We've won our Battle today, but two Warriors were lost during the battle, we will honor them, for they have died in honor, not in vain."
Cats bowed their heads, the scent of grief wavering in the camp, it had soon faded when Bloodstar began once again

"Today, I'll be making three apprentices, into honorable Warriors. Darkpaw, Sweetpaw, and Firepaw. Step up to the Fire Willow",she meowed, gazing down on the three apprentices.

"Darkpaw, for now on, you'll be known as Darkflame. StarClan honors your courage and loyalty.

"Darkflame's eyes shone with pride. "I'll fight for the honor of our Clan"

"Sweetpaw, you shall now be known as Sweetflower. StarClan honors your kindness and swiftness."
Sweetflower dipped her head, and sat back

"Finally. My honorable daughter. You will be known as Firewind. StarClan honors your bravery, loyalty, and strength of kindness.",purred Bloodstar.

"Darkflame, Sweetflower, Firewind!", cheered the Clan.
When the noise died down, Bloodstar meowed,

"Moonphase has three new kits. But they will have a few moons still before becoming Apprentices. These kits will be honorable, and loyal Warriors to BlazeClan."
Moonphase smiled and stood up.
"Thank you,Bloodstar. As a queen, I wish to chose the Mentors beside you. I want suitable Mentors for my kits."

Bloodstar dipped her head. "I will do so."
When Bloodstar dismissed them, the BlazeClan leader noticed her Deputy pad out of camp. She smirked, and followed
This will be the day of your death, Phoenixflame... My Clan won't be ruled by a soft kittypet.

The Deputy sniffed, and crouched low, a brown body scuffled the earth for food.

Bloodstar clicked a stone, making the mouse flee.
Her gaze narrowed, and she leaped on top of Phoenixflame... PhoenixFlame let out a startled screech, and rolled onto her back, and leaped back when Bloodstar released her grip.

"Bloodstar! How come you attacked me!?"

"My Clan won't be led by a kittypet.",hissed The Clan Leader.

"W-What do you mean?"

"I'm going to kill you. This is where your life ends."
Phoenixflame stepped back, eyes wide. She turned and fled. But it was to camp.
Bloodstar was faster, she leaped at Phoenixflame, and her claws sunk into her shoulders, her teeth met flesh as she tore through the back of her neck, then was flung off.

Bloodstar stumbled to the ground, but got up once again.

Phoenixflame backed up from Bloodstar, then bared her fangs, and leaped at her, and her claws ripped at her cheek, then her shoulder and legs. The leader dodged, and pinned down Phoenixflame and her claws sank into her neck and chest, blood oozed and spilled from the Deputy's mouth.

Then, Phoenixflame went limp, eyes rolled back into her head.

Bloodstar let go, and jumped off, blood splashed and stained her chest and sides.
She turned away, and padded back to the Camp, forcing grief into her eyes, but she washed off the blood.
Her mate,RedBlaze, looked up, eyes wide. He rushed to her side, and meowed, "What happened?!"

"P-Phoenixflame... Is dead.. I joined her for hunting, then a fox attacked us.. I tried to save her but it was too late... I fled when I could. I couldn't waste my life when she was dead...",she whispered, grief forced into her voice.

"She's in StarClan now... No one could change her death...",he murmured.
Bloodstar pressed against her mate.
I love you. But you're a fool to think she'd gone to StarClan. She's too weak for even to have a spirit form. Thought Bloodstar darkly.
She pulled away, and nuzzled him before padding away to the Fire Willow.

"Let All Cats Old Enough To Battle Gather Under The Fire Willow For Clan Meeting!"
Cats gathered, and looked around for Pheonixflame.

"My Deputy, Pheonixflame, has died from a fox attack. She'll be honored greatly by StarClan" Yeah right,she thought to herself.

"I must appoint a new Deputy soon. And that would be now. I've watched closely, so that if my Deputy were to pass, who'd be the new Deputy. I, Leader of BlazeClan, Call upon StarClan, to hear, and approve of my choice, FlameRiot will be the new Deputy of BlazeClan."
FlameRiot stepped up, his black and orange pelt glowing a silver flame under the sunlight.

He dipped his head, and mewed,"I will serve you well, Bloodstar. BlazeClan won't be disappointed."

"FlameRiot, FlameRiot,FlameRiot!!!",cheered the Clan in unison.

Bloodstar flicked her tail for silence.
"Meeting, dismissed."

The Clan leader gazed at her daughter, who was talking with one of her Warrior toms, she purred slightly.
My daughter will be respected by all. But will also continue my bloodline. Which will go on forever until the Clans bow to us, she thought.

She snuck over, and just went into earshot of the conversation.

"...I guess... But I'm not sure it's right for me...",Firewind mewed.

Right for what?

"But you can't! They need you!",replied the Tom.

What are they talking about?!

"I'm sorry, RisingFlame...",the she-cat murmured.
Then padded off, head low and paws dragging on the ground. Firewind looked up when her name was called.

"What is it, Mother?",she asked.

"I overheard you, and RisingFlame's conversation, what were you talking about?",Bloodstar asked, eyes narrowed. "I want the truth"
Firewind bristled,"It's none of your business!",she growled. "Leave me alone"

Bloodstar ignored her. "I want to know what you're up to. Or else.",she growled.

"What? Going to kill me? See where that gets you, kit.",Firewind snarled, and stalked off.

"I'm sure the Clan would love to know what you really did to Phoenixflame.",she added with a hiss, and disappeared.
Bloodstar bristled with fury.
I'll find out, whether I have to threaten you, or ban you. I WILL Find out, she thought.

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