Chapter 6: Sudden Danger, & Possible Death?

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The BlazeClan cats made their way down the hill towards the Gathering place, Starshine Oaks.

The oaks were great thick and tall trees and on the strong lush brown bark entraced was each Clan's mark as well as the scent. The branches though, had all met in the middle that held at least three tail lengths up from the ground. A thin shallow river that shone in the starlight made a small moat but it was a shape of a star.

Leaping onto her branch, Bloodstar stood tall, eyes flickering from side to side to the cats surrounding her.
DemonStar watched as the other two leaders, Rainstar, DawnClan leader, and Shockstar, LightningClan leader gathered onto their branches.

Bloodstar had a blood-hungry look on her face as the Clan gathered.

"The Clans Gathering Under Stars Of StarClan will begin!",Shockstar yowled.

Silence echoed among the four Clans. Shockstar was an elderly leader, oldest of all, Rainstar youngest of them, and Bloodstar second oldest making DemonStar third oldest.

The Clans clustered to themselves, as if something would happen.

"I will go first. BlazeClan is doing well. A new alley of us is among us. But before we do introduce him, decisions of joining under leadership of me and BlazeClan are due NOW."

"DawnClan.... DawnClan will accept. But we need herbs... A kit is very ill...",Rainstar mewed, regret in her gaze as she looked at the other two Clans not BlazeClan.

"LIGHTNINGCLAN REFUSES!!!!",all of LightningClan yowled. "We and GalaxyClan are one against your so called leadership of forest..."

Bloodstar began to laugh wickedly

"You amuse me! BlazeClan will slaughter those against us... But we won't harm your kits... Of course..BlackStripe, why not amuse me more by showing yourself so they can react to you joining us..."

BlackStripe padded out and leaped onto the branch of a Starshine Oak.

FireWind, in the crowd listened to the yowls of outrage. She growled lowly
You've gone mad, Mother... You aren't the same as you were when I was a kit... She thought in anger.
Your death is going to be by me, the one you hurt most...
Hurting other cats, my friends, the Clan itself...

Her thoughts broke when the yowling stopped and her mother spoke once more...

"I am sorry to say, you're time is up on joining or dying....Queens... Better fetch your kits... They're ours now.",Bloodstar spoke, her gaze not near normal, it was filled with bloodlust and insanity.

"GalaxyClan refuses. You can't take our kits or our queens from us but you can die by us defending our Clan.",Demonstar growled

"As same for LightningClan!",Shockstar agreed.

Darkness covered the sky and it suddenly began to rain and thunder. Lightning hit the ground by Bloodstar, the leader didn't flinch, but her face showed, a dark smirk on her face.

"StarClan is angry...GalaxyClan, LightningClan, it's time we leave."

"We are doing just that."

Bloodstar snickered.


BlazeClan surrounded the Galaxy and LightningClan cats. FireWind though, turned and left while it was dark. She looked back at her Clan and the other Clans...

She turned, and bolted to where she knew Lake Tribe stayed. Her paws skidded the ground as she made her way to the Lake Tribe grounds.

BlazeClan's Secret: A Dangerous SecretWhere stories live. Discover now