Epilouge: A New Beginning

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BlazingStar watched his Clan from above on the Fire Willow.
FadingSpirit was on the bottom, keeping watch on kits that play fought not too far from him.

He looked up as a kit tackled him, he ducked out of the way.
"Play with the kits.",he said calmly.

The kit just sat. Looking at him.
Why red eyes?  The kit thought, before padding to him, and curling up to sleep.
FadingSpirit sighed, he looked at the kit.

She's unique to the other kits. I wonder what she'll grow up to be.

Bonefang was limping, catmint in his jaws. His old frame allowed him to move only so fast.
He had yet to find an apprentice.
But the tom didn't care. It meant that he'd be Medicine Cat longer.
A kit padded to him, the kit would be six moons tomorrow.

It took the herbs from him, and helped him as best as the kit could do.
The kit stopped at a cat who coughed roughly. Eyes narrowed.

Bonefang talked to the cat, his voice scratchy and cracked but firm.
Putting down the catmint, the kit pushed forward the strong herb.

Refusing, the cat turned away. Only his tail to be stepped on, and a leaf put into his jaw.
The cat chewed, then swallowed. Snapping at them, tail lashing.

"You needed it.",the kit said. The cat mumbled, and curled up.

"You did good for a try, Nightkit.",rasped Bonefang. "It's time you sleep, day rises tomorrow again. Now go.",he added.
Nightkit looked down, then nodded. She turned and headed to the nursery. She curled up on the nest.

FadingSpirit had watched, he looked at the moon.
We might have a new Medicine Cat soon he thought. His gaze looked to his leader. Then at the stars.

But a shadow lingered. Green eyes glowed from them. A faint snickered sounded, but faded away.
FadingSpirit stared.

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