Chapter 8: A Spreading Blaze

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Bloodstar watched as the Clans began to fight, DawnClan staying out of it. A fire of darkness in the leader's gaze, her fangs showing as she smirked.

We're growing stronger. Once the weakest now soon to be the strongest. She thought darkly.

When the fighting stopped, the BlazeClan leader snickered.

LightningClan and GalaxyClan cats were either majorly wounded or dead.

"W-we surrender...",mewed DemonStar.

Shockstar stared a moment before closing his eyes, and lowering his head.

"So does LightningClan..."

"Smart choice. BlazeClan, take the queens and elders. Go to their camps and snag the kits..."

Cats huddled together, cleaning theirs and each other's wounds, some sobbing, mostly the queens were as they were ripped away from their Clans.

The three, Leaders, RainStar,DemonStar, and ShockStar, huddled together, unable to watch as their Clanmate's were whisked away. Those fighting against BlazeClan had been killed...

Demonstar closed his eyes, "I never thought the moons I'd be leader, It was watching as my Warriors were ripped away from me....."

"I believe that none of us will have thought we'd be leader long enough to see our Clan taken away from us...",murmured RainStar

"You submitted to them! You had it coming!",spat Shockstar.

Rainstar flinched then looked up, eyes having a firm gaze. "Unlike you, I lost no Warriors... They would killed my warriors if I fought back...",Rainstar mewed.

Shockstar looked down. "RainStar is right.. She didn't fight back against them so she lost no warriors... Unlike us who fought against them.."

Demonstar nodded.

"The rest of you, bring your fresh-kill to my camp. Sneak any behind or attack and I kill a kit.", said Bloodstar who snickered and talked to BlackStripe.

The three leaders obeyed, heading to their camps. Rainstar walked swiftly, and entered her camp. Warriors of BlazeClan raiding their storage, eating their fresh-kill and destroying the camp.

Rainstar grabbed as much prey as she could, and her warriors helped.


Sorrow filled the Gathering clearing. FireWind stared at what she returned to. RisingFlames sitting in the shadows, eyes wide.

He never knew my mother's plans and intentions... FireWind thought and leaped down beside him, scaring him out of his fur.

"FireWind! You're here... What's going on?"

"My mother wanted this the day I was born, maybe longer... She finally got what she wanted...I'm trying to stop her... If I don't... Then the world is going into chaos...She'll target the Lake Tribe and other Tribes into either making them submit or killing them all..."

RisingFlames stared. "Why'd you never tell me? I could have helped you."

"She would have killed you if you did... I don't plan on losing you.",mewed FireWind, pressing against RisingFlames, she sighed. 
I don't plan on letting you live...
You've hurt too many cats, Mother...
But no one else but me will be ridding of you. I'm risking my own clan-living to kill you...
This isn't for fun, pleasure, or bloodlust... It'll be hate, revenge, and you will be taken away from this world.

FireWind thought, and dug her claws into the ground.

Bloodstar led her cats away, the Clans, DawnClan,GalaxyClan, and LightningClan followed, huddled together.

A kit wailed and elders had muttered. A warrior snarled at them, shutting them up, but the elder made a wrong move, slamming her paw across the Warrior's muzzle.

Two other warriors jumped, shredding the elder till she went limp.

"Learn some respect..." muttered the Warrior. The elders went silent, looking at the ground.

FireWind growled at the Warrior. She stood. RisingFlames looked at her, and she dug her claws into the ground.

"How dare they...",she hissed. RisingFlames pressed against her, calming her.

"Calm down...We'll take care of them when distracted...",murmured RisingFlames. She nodded. They watched from the shadows.
Every BlazeClan warrior who strayed to exam something, didn't return. Only a red puddle was left where they were.

But this was noticed. Bloodstar growled. "Someone is messing, or killing my Warriors...",she muttered.
"Scarleg, Clawfoot, Newtleap, and Darkshade. Go to every shadow. Drag what's been killing my warriors.",she snarled.

The four warriors nodded gruffly, and slowly, went to find the enemy. But failed. Firewind and RisingFlames had already been following their Clanmates. Unseen from leaving the shadows.

An elder shook in fear. He wasn't old, but he had no front leg. FireWind touched her nose to the elder.

"It'll be alright... I'm not going to hurt you, nor will my friend. Promise..."

"Y-Y-Y-You sure? But You're a-a B-BlazeClan Cat....", stammered the elder.

"...My mother is the enemy. I'm full on against her..."

"Same", meowed RisingFlames.

The elder paused and did his best to calm himself. He walked on, and was thrown into a small underground den that had nests lined in it with his elderly friends. He curled up and closed his eyes tightly.

A female elder was freezing to the bone and she couldn't get in the nest herself. The elder tom helped her to her nest, and put the feathers from his nest and put them in hers.

She closed her eyes and curled up.

"T-Thank you...",murmured the she-cat in her light sleep.

"Don't need one, I would've done it to anyone. The three Clans are all friends now... We all lost everything. We all have each other. We all survive together. And we'll all fight together when the time comes...",rasped the tom.

"...",the she-cat was silent as she soon, fell asleep. But her last breath was taken when she did.

The tom sat, head bowed. Eyes closed. A star landed, the clans were born. But a fourth one was the falling of a monster Clan... So little loyalty, so little mercy. So much hatred, so much blood.A leader made a wrong choice,it continued till Bloodstar's daughter was born. She rebelled against her and her wanting to take over. 

She's the light we all need. We all want. We all see.

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