- Chapter 15: Promises -

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"Even if it's a curse, you still want to save me?" Aaron asked, beginning to put on his fake smile again. "How graceful of you to admit that."
Once more, he frowned.

"But even so, I'm sure that even if I listen to that song, nothing will change. I'll feel a little saved... then want to disappear even more again."

"Shut up!" Aphmau yelled.

Everyone looked at her again.

"A-Aphmau, what are you doing?-" KC started before Aph interrupted her.

"Enough, don't you hear yourself! How can you say you want to disappear like it's nothing!" Aphmau stepped closer to him.

"So many people are waiting to listen to your next work, you have so much talent. I don't think you understand how important you are, how much I want to be like you!"

Aaron stared at her, his face unchanging.

"You.. You have what I desperately want! I can't get your music out of my head! I hate selfish, mean people like you, but I want to hear more!" she continued. "I hate you, but somewhere inside me, I still care. I don't want you to disappear... so please.."

"I don't care if my music is great or not." Aaron said stoically. "You couldn't understand. What I want isn't some amazing song, or anyone's praise.. I just wanted to find myself.. But I know that's probably impossible."
"FC, you..." Aphmau angrily mumbled, before looking away from him.

'Hm, I think I get how Aaron feels!" KC exclaimed.
"R-Really?" Aph asked.

"Mhm! Like, no matter how talented or cute you may be, everyone goes through some tough times, right?" KC explained. "I guess, no matter how amazing FC is at writing music, he'll never get what he wants, so there's no point!"

KC slowed down. "So, Aaron, if you want to disappear, then do what you want. At the end of the day, we don't know what problems you're facing.."

"B-But, in a way, I think I understand how you feel! Like, how as our surroundings change, we have to change too, and it all gets so tiring, all you want to do is disappear..." KC paused before trying to cheer up again. "I- I guess not a lot of people understand that feeling, but I think we do! So, I guess what I'm saying is, if you do disappear, I'll miss you..."

Aaron stared at the group, who all were wishing for him to stay.

"You're all so selfish..."

"Selfishly being jealous, selfishly being sympathetic, selfishly trying to save me.."
The group stared at him, confusion clouding their faces.

"Stop, you've had enough. I want to disappear.. That is my True Feeling."

"I still want to save you though." Zane interjected.


"I'm tired!" Aaron screamed out.

"I'm tired of thinking that there's still hope, that I can still find myself."

"It would've been easier if I thought I couldn't find it from the start."

"So I... I..."

"I don't want to think anymore that I have a chance to be saved!"

Zane stared at him, sympathetically.

"I'm exhausted! I search..and I search.. And I search and search and search!"

"But I can't find it.. So I look again... and it's not it... and I despair."

"What more am I supposed to do?!"
Aaron lashed out as tears began to fall from his eyes.

"I'll keep creating." Zane said.

Aaron looked at him, confused."Wh-What?"

"Even if this song can't save you, I'll create." Zane explained. "Until you find yourself, I'll keep on creating."

"What are you saying.." Aaron asked quietly.

"Even if it's my mother's curse," Zane said firmly, "I'll keep on creating. I don't want to see someone disappear in front of my eyes again."

"But, but! Don't you want to disappear too, Z?" Aaron exclaimed, his mind filled with confusion at what his friend was offering.

"Yeah... I do." Zane said, looking down, before meeting Aaron's gaze.

"So if I fall into hopelessness, and I'm about to disappear... say to me 'I haven't found myself yet.' If you say so, I can keep on creating..."

Aaron looked at Zane, scared. "Do you know what you're saying?! That's like adding another curse!" he yelled out. "Until I find who I am, you'll have to keep on writing! That's..."
"Yeah, I know." Zane said plainly.

"So then... why?"
Zane shrugged. "I'm just following my ego."

He softly smiled. "Either way, I have to keep on creating music. Adding you on top won't be a burden."

"You don't know how long it will take until I find myself." Aaron said, looking into Zane's eyes, wondering if he still understood what he was saying. "It all might come down to nothing.. Even so, will you still do it?"

"I will." Zane said.

Aaron began to laugh, a sad, hollow laugh.

"Haha, your desperateness is so silly..."

Aaron laughed a little longer before stopping and returning to the hollow smile.

"Fine, then I'll keep looking... just a little more..."

"FC..." Zane said, quietly.

"You mean it? You'll keep on creating, just for me?" Aaron asked, looking into his eyes one last time.
"You'll be alright FC," Zane smiled wistfully. "I'll save you someday, for sure." 


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