Chapter 8 | Camps and Clues.

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Toby P.O.V:
I heard the demons snarling, growling and hissing, they were also laughing with their demonic voice hitched with a husky lur.. I burned down the fire next to me so the demons won't know that I'm inside in this cave, I was next into a rock hiding my presence as I sat down, waiting for the sun to rise again.

I held my legs closer to my chest, hugging them tighter with my arms, there were so many of them out there, I could hear them.. it's just that all I have to do is wait it all out, let be over, let it be gone, then I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore..

Masky P.O.V:
Demons were starting to appear Infront of us, me and Hoodie killed one by one and each of them who comes and blocks our way of finding Toby, any time by now they could send a hoard of them right here as I run, surrounding me and Hoodie, I was worried that might happen so I packed myself some grenades to blow them up into pieces.

As me and Hoodie ran further and further into the woods, we've gone into an open road with no trees blocking the way, we stopped and decided to look around if there's anything we could find, surprisingly we saw Jane and Jeff by the distance with the exact same situation we were in, we walked towards them and discuss on what we've found or what happened on the way here.

Jeff: "So uhh, this is awkward I should say?"

Hoodie: "Let's just focus on the situation right now Jeff? We can't be fucking around in this time."

Masky: "Right, so have any of you guys found something in particular or.."

Jane: "We've ran into some demons on the way, Jeff was going on a killing spree while for me, I'm just focusing on going further into the woods."

Jeff: "Well, I thought you were on a race to see who would get to the finish first!"

Jane: "Does this look like a good time to start a race in the middle of a scavenge!?" | Jane hissed and yelled at Jeff.

Masky: "Alright that's enough! I had it with you two.."

Jeff: "Ughh, can't take this anymore! I want to be with Benny.." | Jeff whines around wanting to be with BEN but it can't be helped..

Masky: "Stop whining, let's just look around if there's any clues.. we also gotta hurry because the demons might get here any time."

Jane: "Yes sir.."

We were all looking around for clues if Toby has been here before, I knew he could've gone this far if he ether crossed the road, besides, nether of us or the group back at the mansion know what's out there, but there are also rumors that some of the group members know what's out in the open, I mean like come on, like there's any possible chance wether there will be civilization on the otherside.

Hoodie found something over by the distance waving at us, I, Jane and Jeff walked over to see what was it, seems like someone must've camped here because there's a burned down campfire, Hoodie kneeled over and handle touches the campfire and said;

Hoodie: "Feels like it's been here for minutes, like about 30-50."

I knew Imminently that this was Toby's resting place, I helped Hoodie up and brought out a walkie-talkie in my bag, alerting news to E.J and BEN.

As I alerted them, I putted my walkie-talkie back inside my bag and decided me and the others around me analyzed more about the burnt down campfire.

Jeff found tracks leading deeper into the forest where we came from and decided to go back and follow the tracks, I was relieved he didn't cross the road but we also had to stay alert for any nearby demons that might come in our way.

(Sorry if this was short! I'm gonna plan more in the next chapter so hope you guys stay tuned!)

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