Chapter 9. | Understand

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Masky P.O.V:
As me and the others (Jeff, Jane, Hoodie & E.J) were walked deeper within the woods following the tracks, I heard a groan from the back, it was just Jeff complaining and mumbling again..

Jeff: "Ughh... I wish I could be with Zelda.." | He grumbled as he groaned.

Jane: "Shut up simper, he'll be fine on his own. There's no need to complain." | Jane hissed.

Jeff: "Who you calling simper?"

Jane: "You know what, just forget about what I've just said. It's just gonna make the argument worst.."

Jane rolled her eyes out in annoyance while Jeff clearly doesn't care about it at all, they're like waters and oils, they don't mix well don't they?

Hoodie: "This would be a lot more peaceful if you guys would shut up than complain to each other."

Jane: "I'm not complaining! I'm just trying to teach him a lesson!"

Jeff: "What do you mean a lesson!? This is not kindergarten!"

Jane: "Well maybe it is you, BITCH!"


And with that, they started arguing..

Hoodie: "Oh my gods of hell, will you guys just SHUT UP!?" | Hoodie shouted out with anger.

Both Jeff and Jane stopped maggering to each other and looked over to Hoodie as he yelled out those words.

Jeff: "Ughh, fuck you.." | He murmured out to Jane or Hoods.

Hoodie: "If this keeps up the demons might here you guys maggering all out."

Jeff: "Maybe if Jane here stops treating me like a child, this wouldn't be happening!"

Jane: "Well MAYBE if you wouldn't stop complaining and wanting BEN all around us, THIS WOULD'VE HAPPEND!

E.J: "Hey! Would you guys just tune down the noise? This might get the demons attentio-"

A branch snapped loud as E.J was cutted off trying to finish his sentence, we all froze in shock as we turned over to the distance where the noise came from. The bushes behind us started to shake and behind the bush made a snarling noise.

We all turned to our weapons and got ready on what was on the otherside, a demon jumped out making a snarling roaring husky voice but Jeff slashed it's neck in time, killing the feral demon. But as he did, more of those demons started appearing by the bush, it was a group of them, and I mean lots and lots of them.

There were like 15 of them in total, but as when Jeff deceased the other, that made the whole group or hoard angry and wanting revenge for their fallen comrade.

As Jeff looks at the group of demons in shock and regret after defeating one of their comrades, all I heard behind me was Hoodie whispering to us;

Hoodie: "Run.."

We all quickly followed his words and started running away, there's no way we could defeat them all at once. The only thing to do now is just run, defeat the ones that try to tackle us from behind and just run till we or they can't see us no more..

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