5. Him and I

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Siva's family were so happy to have me and him around. On the second day, we went out swimming. I watched the kids with Siva, while alternating with my parents.

The two of us got into a lot of mischief. We were almost always sending photos to our friends of us.

On the third day, we all went out to the town. It was a beautiful day outside. The weather tempted us into shopping. My mum found it hilarious, so did his mother. Since we left his sister Visakha at the cabins with Kumar to watch over the babies, we found ourselves buying them lunch after shopping.

The men went back home with the food, leaving us staring after them. Siva turned around and blew us a kiss, making us laugh.

"You love him," Shelley, his mum said. I nodded. It would be of no use to lie. She could see right through me.

"He is the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Aww," both mothers teased, making me smile. I loved spending time with them both already. Shelley was an impressive woman. She had 7 children and all of them had gone through school.

She was just like my grandmother!

Much younger though, but with the same spirit.

We found ourselves talking about various things. First of all, my fame, then paparazzi, world news, fashion, cooking, interior design, and then both ladies started talking about babies. I smiled as they compared notes on birth weight and stuff like that.

While I listened, Siva texted me. I almost jumped when I felt the vibe against my thigh.

Miss you-Siva.

Miss you more-Sabrina.

Are you bored?-Siva

No. Your mum is keeping me entertained-Sabrina.

No fair-Siva.

Well, life is never fair. Suck it up!-Sabrina.

I am coming to get you-Siva.

Fans will see you-Sabrina.

But I miss you :-( c'mon! I wanna be where you are!-Siva.

But I am there. Can't you feel me right next to you?-Sabrina.

"You look busy," my mum noticed.

"Siva misses you already!" Shelley noted with a smile. "You can go meet him."

"But he is not here."

"Turn around," my mum said with a smile. I turned to look behind me and there he stood. Our eyes met and held before he stretched out his hand to me. I took it.

"Mum, Mrs. Hearst, I am sorry I cut short the girls day out..."

"You missed her. it is okay," Shelley said. She asked him to take me back home safe and sound when we were done. Siva nodded and took my hand. We went for a walk and ended up on a street where people were skipping rope to music.

"Wanna try?" he asked me, making me blush. He read my mind so fast. I might also have been giving longing looks at the players.

"Yeah... if you are okay..." I said while laughing awkwardly. He just laughed while he took my hand and led me forward. "Hi, we were passing by and saw your game. My girlfriend here loves skipping. She wanted to try out the game for a while..."

He hadn't even finished asking before I was bundled into the game. I skipped expertly, even crouching and skipping and doing some foot work while at it. I found myself loving this game. I skipped rope to keep fit, but danced because I loved it. Right now, I was pretty good at both. Though I easily got tired, after five minutes of doing both.

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