13. Hearst on The Line: 3

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"...And here she is, Sabrina Dhahabu Hearst!"

I stepped on stage wearing a big smile in my face. "Hi guys! Thank you so much for coming to the first show of my 'Hearst On The Line' Tour. I appreciate your support, and... I am humbled to be standing in front of you. Thank you for getting me nominated for a Brit Award. Thank you!".

The audience cheered before I spoke again. "Let's get this show started, yeah?!"


The first date of my tour was on my birthday. I was turning 24, and I was excited. Siva was there to celebrate with me. I appreciated him taking time to make it to my first show of my first tour.

"I am so proud of you!" he smiled at me as he pulled me into his arms. "You are going on tour and you got nominated for a Brit Award. Baby, you rock my world."

I smiled at him. "You are my rock."

When I finished dressing up, I sat through hair and make-up. There was a camera crew covering my very first show. I had been interviewed before, after sound check. They had asked me a few questions.

"How do you feel?"

"Is today really your birthday?"

"What is your setlist today?"

"Are you going to try out any crazy stunts today?"

"Are you dancing tonight?"

"Is there a possibility of you working with Taylor Swift in the future? "

"Do you think having Logan here is affecting BTR?"

"What are you looking forward to during this tour?"

"Should we expect a wedding soon, now that you and Siva are doing great?"

"What advise do you have for the girls who look upto you?"

"What next for you after this tour?"

"Okay Astrid, this is the backstage, where all the magic happens," I say with a smile. She nods her head and wishes me luck as I step onto the platform that will raise me to the stage.

I see Siva just as the platform rises. I am hoping he won't get bullied by Astrid. She seems like a nice person though.

The starting strains of 'Hold Up' echo across the venue. I smile as I open my mouth to sing. The fans cheer as my dancers and Logan step on stage.

Take my money, take my pearls,
Just don't leave me alone.
Is this a hold up?
This is a hold up.

If the weapon is your love,
I got my hands up.

Sometimes Logan became my background vocals. Other times, we were all dancing. The dancers were talented. At some point, they drew me into one of those tango twirls. I span, making them spin out too.

I took a break after three songs, changed, and came to talk and sing. The audience cheered when I decided we had enough time for questions and conversations and tricks.

Once I stepped back on stage, I was, once again, cheered. The music started up with 'Line' before I brought out Austin to sing 'Heart' with Tori. She had just arrived when we had her sent to the stage. We sang a number of other songs, including 'Dance' by Fall Out Boy. The whole audience was on their feet! People tossed flowers at me during the show.

I then took another break to go have a costume change. When I came back, the show comtinued and I finished in time to have a 'Q&A' session. The fans were hilarious.

I told them I was giving them 60 seconds to shoot questions at me on twitter of which I was going to answer as many as I could. After their time was up, we (Logan and I) read through the questions.

"What is Logan's favourite colour?"

"How old were you when you started to play guitar?"

"When is BTR releasing a new album?"

"Are you going to be the supporting act on Demi's World Tour?"

I found myself grinning from ear to ear. Sadly, I couldn't be her (Demi's) supporting act. I had been slotted in as her guest act instead.

"Are you happy?"

"Did you and Logan become instant BFFs?"

"What's your favourite type of cheese?"

"Do you know how to dance the Macarena? I can show you :)"

I had to do that one. Turned out that the girl who asked me this, asked the guys that too once upon a time. I called her on stage to do it with me.

Despite how chaotic the cheering was then, it wasn't as loud as when a cake was wheeled out for me to ceremoniously cut it. I couldn't give the fans any of it, but they got some free merchandise instead for every four purchased. Plus there was a discount.

Since it was late, the M&G was short. Two minutes at most to each fan. I rushed through it despite how sad I felt. This was my very first show while on my own tour.

I was so excited about it being a success. I hoped that when I got to Scotland, I'd still be strong enough to keep going.


"You are beautiful! A vision!" Siva called before wrapping his arms around me protectively. "I missed you so much," he whispered.

"Where were you last?"

He smiled down at me. "I decided to watch you from the concert's audience. People love you so much Sabrina..."

"I have an idea," I paused, "could we write something together?"

He grinned, kissing me again. "Anytime you want."

We stood there, enjoying the feeling of being together for that short time. I was so touched when he came to see me. I loved him for that. He had a show but he came to see me anyway. I knew he had to leave later that night, but for now, the two of us needed to stay together for just a little while.

Forget the world just for a while.

Everything we have known,
everything we've forgotten,

"I love you, you know that, right?"

"I do," I told Siva. He turned me around and looked me in the eye. We maintained eye contact, seeing each other as if for the first time.

"You are so beautiful baby," he said as he ran his hand down mine, leaving goosebumps in his wake. "You are so beautiful and I am so happy you are mine." I shut my eyes, fighting back tears as he continued to speak. "You are so good to me, you love me to the sky and back. You love to love me, even when I am being a pain."


"You are brave and strong, and your love for me is visible for everyone to see. I wouldn't have it any other way, because I love you to the heavens and back. My heart beats for you, and It will love only you."

I couldn't help it, I cried.

in the rain, in the dark we'll lay
in your arms, in your arms I'll stay.


When I first met Siva, i didn't see myself dating him, or falling for him. What happened was never my plan, or intention. What started off as a hurried cuppa coffee became a complicated tangle between me and his psychotic girlfriend. Then another bump with Zayn as a fake boyfriend.

Then we were together.

Sometimes I'd watch him laughing and ask myself how it happened. I found him when I wasn't even looking.

Maybe that is why we were so happy.

Then maybe I was speaking too soon. Things always had a tendency of backfiring when I assumed things were working.

Nolan and Pendo were pretty good examples, so was Zayn. Now he was hounding me and trying to win me over with devious plans up his sleeve.

I was In love with Siva, and nothing was gonna change my mind. Or anyone, for that matter.

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