15. Hearst On The Line Part 5

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Siva kissed my forehead. "Go make me proud."

I smiled, seeing Logan standing at the door wearing a fond smile on his face. He was so weird, I swear. He liked to watch us say goodbye.

At least that's what he told me.

"Bye baby. Make me proud," Logan teased Siva who raised an eyebrow at him. I shook my head as I joined him. Hailey stumbled in, smiling a little too happily.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she giggled. "I just found out that One Direction are having a charity event on the same day you will be in Gloucester. I thought maybe you should..."

"Sure! I don't mind attending it. Can I bring Siva?" I asked as I got into the car. Logan was at the shotgun seat, and was already running his mouth at 100km/hr.

Hailey sighed ater trying not to make a face. "The thing is... you can't... take Siva... you have to go with one of the guys."

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay..."


"So... is there anyone in particular I should be going with? Or I'll be choosing? In that case, I nominate Niall..."

"You can't choose a date."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because your date has already been chosen for you."

"Who Is it?"

Hailey sighed. "I haven't a clue. They refused to list that minor detail."

"So you want to tell me there are four more girls like me who haven't a clue who they are going with to the charity?"

"Yes," Hailey nodded.

"That is so Simon."


The rehearsals went well. The previous day had been spent indoors with Siva and near a warm coal fire. I was grateful for the warm reception I got at the Kaneswarans.

"Stop daydreaming!"

"I'm not."

"You guys did it?"

"I will not tell you anything."

Hailey shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever. Just stop daydreaming then. If nothing happened, then just stop."

I bit my lower lip. Her eyes widened. "He felt you up!"

My cheeks and ears instantly became insanely hot, making her let out a loud cackle of laughter. I bowed my head and hid my face from her watchful eyes. "Come on! Gimme details!"

I started to walk away but she tugged off my scarf, and I walked back. "Hailey! Come on, you know that is not cool!"

"Well, you are here now, aren't you?! Tell me!" she begged. "Indulge me!"

"You do know that I spent the rest of yesterday indoors after I almost broke my leg, yeah?"


"Well, Siva cuddled me in and fed me, and sang me to sleep."

"That's all?" she asked.

"Of course that's all. Apart from the kisses, yeah."

"You just disappointed me immensely. Here, take your scarf and give me ten laps on this stage."

"But it's rotating."


"It'll be like running on a treadmill. I'll be stuck on it."

"Yes. Your time starts now. Go!"

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