Bonus Chapter: Truth

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I knew I shouldn't have come here. How could I face her in the presence of One Direction?

She used to be mine. I used to love her. I still loved her.

And that's why I was here.

Realized you couldn't live without her?

Took you long enough!

Smiling, I walked into the ballroom. I had a ticket, all thanks to Hailey. She had a date with Joe... again. Apparently he was in Britain trying to promote something with his other brother Kevin.

Not that I cared.

If he was with Sabby though...

He'd be on that list.

I spotted her running to the ladies. I followed and she yanked me into a stall.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked in shock. She looked hopeful. Her eyes were trained on me. I could hear the faint sound of music playing in the background. However, that was not important.

What was important though, was how I was going to break the news to her.

"I came to see you. I wanted clarity before I rest my case."

"Which case?" She asked, her voice cracking with emotion.

Swallowing the dread I felt at the pit of my stomach, I decided to come clean and ask her. The question had been weighing me down.

A few days before this, I talked to Perrie, who told me that Sabrina never told her that Zayn kissed her before they went out. She found out through the kitchen cam quite accidentally.

'That day you brandished my bra at me, that was the day she kissed him.'

I felt as if Sabrina and I had been a lie all along. I wanted to hurt someone after that. She never told me anything about her and Zayn. I had to hear it from HIM.

I posed. "Did you kiss Zayn before Perrie gave you the go-ahead to date him?"

She went rigid. She even looked pale. I stared at her, awaiting a reply. "No."

"When did Zayn first kiss you?"

"Why do you want to know? For your own piece of mind? You expect me to believe that? Or are you looking to dump me as soon as you find out the truth?"

"Nothing like that. Okay, I admit I talked to..."

"Perrie, right? She probably told you I threw myself at him ALL THE TIME! I mean, did you see her tweets? Did you hear her comments in the media? This is between Perrie and I. No one else should interfere."

I sighed, then spoke. "Perrie told me that you and Zayn kissed that night when we found them in the house." She looked confused so I tried to explain it to her. "You and I were not having a spat. You went to the club and sat at the bar sipping on Shirley Temples? You talked to Steve? Remember?"

She nodded, and spoke too. She told me what happened and how it all went down. Zayn, apparently, couldn't resist trying to win her over and he kissed her first. "I slapped him right after, and I was horrified because I loved you. And I also loved him. I was SO confused Siva, but I told myself I owed it to you and I to be yours."

Looking at her, I knew she was telling me the truth. However, my stupid mouth spoke. "What about you and Zayn on the front page of 'The Sun' Entertainment? Was that your second time kissing?"

Sabrina shook her head. She then started to cry and told me everything. I was left in shock. Yes, I was sad she had to carry all that weight on her shoulders, but I couldn't very well take her back.

Once the air was clear, I took her into my arms one last time. Then I whispered in her ear that I couldn't do that anymore and it was over.

She pulled away, stared at me for close to a minute, before composing herself and walking out of my life.

She didn't even ask for a kiss.

She just walked out of my life. Perhaps for ever.

Sabrina Dhahabu Hearst was officially free to date anyone she wanted. I had lost her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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