Chapter III

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~ Jean-Claude's Point of View ~

I had called some of my wolves and the vampires under Asher and I and told them what was happening and what to do. Of course they immediately obeyed. Jason my pomme de sang had stayed with us and was looking at Brittany curiously but a good type of curiosity. Asher's animals were also searching for the threats.

Neither Asher or I liked that Brittany was under threat. In fact we hated it as if she was Julianna.

Jason had actually moved slightly closer to her and was actually helping calm her. Which Asher and I took as a good sign along with her friends.

Trichelle Roxanne and Cinder asked to speak to Asher and I privately and we knew it was going to be about Brittany. We left Jason along with Damian, and a werehyena named Vex with Brittany while Asher and I went into a study we had here under the Circus, along with Trichelle, Roxanne, and Cinder.

Once there they took turns telling us everything that had happened to Brittany in Colorado before she had moved here to St. Louis.

"And they call us monsters." I said annoyed after learning everything.

"Sometimes us humans are more monsters than actual monsters. Even those who are supposed to protect and serve." Cinder said smiling a sad smile.

"Hell they are sometimes even worse but are able to hide it enough to hide and deceive others until it leads to something bad enough that they get caught." Roxanne said with a slight laugh.

Asher and I couldn't help but smirk slightly amused.

"You two love her don't you?" Trichelle asked which caught Asher and I off guard for a minute. She smiled a bit and added, "We noticed the looks towards Bri. Which we are more than okay with. Because she needs that in her life more than ever right now."

"Deep down she probably feels the same but doesn't know it yet." Roxanne said.

"If she spends more time with you two though she will no doubt become aware of that. Eventually." Cinder said.

"We don't know her well enough yet to know where she would like to go." Asher stated though he smiled.

"Well she's a cat person and hopes to become an Adventure Fiction Author someday though." Cinder said with humor on her face. Though Trichelle and Roxanne are close to laughing.

~ Asher's Point of View ~

Jean-Claude and I smirked slightly at them amused at how they were amused at how Cinder had said what she had.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Because every time she says that she also says something like once I actually finish any of my writing." Cinder said with humor shining in her amber colored eyes.

"She hates that she gets writer's block so easily but she also knows it can't be helped. Especially thanks to her ADD." Roxanne said shrugging.

"She also loves history, collects crystals and sometimes even gemstones, likes most music except most rap and absolutely hates hiphop, she likes the stars as well and will stargaze whenever she gets a chance to." Trichelle said naming some of the things Brittany likes.

"She likes animals but gets nervous around certain dogs which also makes her feel guilty because she knows it's not the dog's fault at all it's us humans again, she has almost become an introvert with a lot of people except us so far, she likes to go to museums especially if there are dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals there, she loves movies as well and some TV Series depending on what it is." Roxanne added.

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