Chapter IV

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~ Asher's Point of View ~

Jean-Claude and I had ordered a limousine and we waited near it while Brittany went with her friends for to get something to help keep her from light headed.

"Having her around will definitely not be boring Mon Corbeau." I said smiling slightly while leaning against the lamppost.

"Agreed Mon Ami. I just hope we will be able to protect her." Jean-Claude said.

"Those two intruders from earlier are more than likely not working alone." I said frowning.

"Way more than likely. Since they have yet to be found." Jean-Claude said.

"You think that maybe a sorcerer is helping them?" I asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case just as I know that you wouldn't be either." Jean-Claude said while giving his galic shrug that he does so well even with me.

"That's true." I said. I was quite for a bit then said, "Her friends were very informative."

"Yes they were."  Jean-Claude said smiling. Which I returned. Because we were both making plans on things to do with Brittany thanks to the information that Brittany's friends.

After a while Brittany finally came to where we were waiting. When she saw the limo she stopped tilting her head.

"We are riding in a limo?" She wrote.

"Yes we are." I said.

"How are we going to get my things with a limo?" She wrote with raised eyebrows.

"We can put some in the trunk and in other cars since we aren't the only ones going." Jean-Claude said while he was opening the door so we could get in.

"Sorry. My brain doesn't seem to be functioning properly tonight." She wrote.

"Stress can do that." I said while gently helping her into the car.

Jean-Claude got in after we did and the car started following the car that Brittany's friends were in.

~ Jean-Claude's Point of View ~

It was about five minutes into the ride when Brittany actually spoke for the first time. Her voice was soft though probably because she rarely speaks or doesn't speak at all.

"I'm curious about something." She managed to say.

"You can ask us anything you want." Asher said. As we both looked at her.

"I was wondering if either of you have been to Las Vegas." She said while looking back at us.

"No we haven't been." I said.

"You probably should at least once." She said smiling a bit.

"Have you been?" I asked.

"Twice. The first time when I was sixteen during a relatives wedding though I barely remember it. I only remember that time really because it was the last time I saw a close cousin before he died." Brittany said and shuddered lightly.

"First time encountering death." Asher asked.

"Yes. And my dad and I believed that it was because his cancer came back." Brittany said.

"Is that why you are not fond of hospitals." I asked.

"Yes. The start of my trauma." Brittany said while shifting where she was sitting.

"How many times have you been to Vegas Belle Lotus?" Asher asked using the nickname I gave her earlier.

"Twice. I liked the second time more than the first." Brittany said smiling a bit as her body slowly relaxed.

"Why is that?" I asked a small smile on my face.

"Because of the Circe De Soile Michael Jackson show my family and I saw. I have to admit that it was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen and won't ever forget it. And then going to a "haunted" museum that the head paranormal investigator of a series that I like called Ghost Adventures that he set up there. That was pretty interesting and I would like to go there again. Although there is a room there I will never ever go in again." Brittany said smiling while also shuddering lightly from the last statement.

"Why is that?" Asher asked his eyebrows raised.

"Because he was crazy enough to save dirt and other things from a house that he bought in Indiana that had a demon inside it. He even spent the night in it before having it tore down. When he and his friends first started out he didn't wear glasses. After spending a night in that house that changed. Because the demon scratched his eyes. And it caused him to get a condition called Diplopia which can cause him to go blind if he tried to have eye surgery to correct it." Brittany said shuddering again.

"He's definitely insane." I said.

Brittany nodded while sighing and rubbing her eyes.

"Tired still?" I asked. And she nodded.

"You should sleep while we are riding then Cherie." Asher said as he gently pushed her to lay her head in my lap.

"We will wake you once we are there." I added as I started to gently petted her head. As I did Asher and I sensed her heart even out as she fell asleep. I sighed because I felt worried about this fragile woman who Asher and I were with, I knew we both noticed that she was more fragile than our Julianna had been as a human, even more so.

"I dread finding out how bad her trauma is. And I'm beginning to wonder if we will be able to help her heal." Asher said softly.

"Hopefully we will be able to Mon Chardonneret." I said as I stroked her hair gently while he hand moved closer and put her legs on him.

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