Chapter XI

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~ Brittany's Point of View ~

The next day and night was a haze. My grief caused me to feel slightly numb and the truth felt unreal. My mind didn't want to believe that I would never get to see Trichelle and Roxanne again or get to hang out with them.

Currently I was heading back to Jean-Claude and Asher after having left to get my writing book in case I needed it while we were out in the Circus.

"Still in shock huh?" I heard a female ask and blinked turning to see Gretchen one of Jean-Claude's vampires. I nodded and wrote, "It feels so unreal." Because the grief I felt had caused me to go mute again.

"It always does for people things like this happens to. Time eventually does heal or at least seals the wound up." Gretchen said after sighing as she moved closer to me and even hugging me firmly after hesitating for a moment.

I nodded slowly almost crying as I hugged her back, then I pulled back, and wrote, "I just...I will just really miss them and I guess always feel a void where they were in my heart."

She nodded and hugged again, saying, "I understand that. Hopefully you will be able to eventually replace that void while never forgetting them." And I nodded.

"Or maybe you could join them in death." An unfamiliar woman's voice sounded out. Surprisingly startling both of us. We looked and saw a woman nearby with a snake around her.

Gretchen immediately pushed me behind her before she was attacked but a shadowy figure knocking her away.

"Run Brittany." Gretchen said to me before she was knocked away.

I moved to run but then felt unable to move. And suddenly the woman was right in front of me.

"If you are going anywhere. Your going with me." She said as she reached and took my hand while I was unable to stop her. I saw as Jean-Claude and Asher were running towards us but she must have been doing something to make them reach me too late. As we disappeared I looked terrified at them and saw them and Gretchen having the same look before everything went black.

~ Jean-Claude's Point of View ~

Asher and I were waiting for Brittany to return so we could go up to the Circus. We both hoped to get her mind of the grief she felt. Then I tensed as I got a distress call from Gretchen.

"Brittany and Gretchen are being attacked." Was all I said to Asher. Then we both ran out the door and were running to help save Brittany.

~ Asher's Point of View ~

Jean-Claude and I took off running as we both felt Gretchen's distress. We were there and saw a woman near Brittany who couldn't move a muscle even when she tried. She gave us a terrified look as they disappeared and I'm sure we had the same look at least in our eyes.

After the woman stole Brittany we immediately put everyone on high alert that she had been taken against her will. Jean-Claude and I went into the street after making sure Gretchen was alright. And knowing Jean-Claude so well as I do I knew he felt rage just as I did.

~ Raina's Point of View ~

Marcus and I felt Jean-Claude's call and Gabriel got a text from one of his leopards, and we smirked at each other because we immediately knew why. To keep suspicions off of us we acted as if we were helping find Brittany.

"We are getting ever closer to our goal." I said as I walked with Marcus and Gabriel. Gabriel had a vicious excited grin, and he said, "Once we have them, I get sex first. Especially with her."

"Just as long as you don't do anything fatal that's fine with me. That could even be used to help break her so she can be made into an obedient little pet and slave." I said as I walked.

"That could definitely be true. By using trauma bonding and Stockholm Syndrome." Marcus said smirking. To which we both nodded.

"I wonder if that can be done with Jean-Claude and Asher." Gabriel said.

"We can find out once we have them." Marcus said. And I nodded along with Gabriel in agreement.

"More fun for Gabriel and I at least." I said while still smiling.

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