Chapter XIII

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~ Raina's Point of View ~

Over the next two days we got ready to leave and already sent enough of our people who wouldn't be right away missed. Marcus and I were also thinking about what to do about Jason since he was Jean-Claude's pomme de sang. Finally we decided that he could stay that way but we will have an eye kept on him.

I knew that we would also have to assign someone to feed Asher as well. My thoughts were on Brittany as well, I was trying to figure out how to put more weight on her so she wouldn't look almost skeletal when we have her on camera. Once we were sure we were finished we waited anxiously to go, but we also made sure to make plans to keep Richard from gaining enough power to interfere.

I especially did because I knew he could become a problem if left unchecked. As I waited I also fantasized about what we were going to do to Jean-Claude, Asher, and Brittany.

I also thought long and hard about if I wanted Brittany primarily as a slave or as a pet, or either as a slave or pet secondary. I laid in the bed as I thought about it. Finally I decide to have her primarily as a slave and as a pet secondary.

And not a moment too soon did I decide that I got a text that was from Amelia causing me to grin, ^We have them. We can go no.^ I smiled widely as I sat up, stretched luxuriantly, and then stood. As I headed to where transportation waited I thought smiling, "Now the fun can begin."

~ Brittany's Point of View ~

I was the happiest I have been since the Trichelle's and Roxanne's deaths because I was with Jean-Claude and Asher and we were closer than we had been. They were helping me get used to whatever the marks binding us together has in store for us. Currently we were at Jean-Claude's most popular club Guilty Pleasures.

Jean-Claude was using voice tricks that amazed me, as Asher and I were nearby backstage. I was leaning against Asher as we listened and watched, my leg muscles and the muscles of my right arm was still sore after what the snake venom that had almost took my life caused.

"Are your arm and legs muscles hurting Ma Cherie?" Asher asked me softly.

"A little yes. It has been off and on since the venom." I said softly.

Asher took me to one of Jean-Claude's private back rooms to wait for Jean-Claude to finish here at Guilty Pleasures so we could do something else. Once in the room he gently led me to the bed and helped me on then got on as well and gently held me as well as stroked my hair. I tried to be careful not to push too much pressure on my right arm because that only makes it worse if I do.

I sigh as I relax slowly.

"Better?" Asher asked me.

"Yes. A little. I'm also glad just to be around you and Jean-Claude. I always feel restless when neither of you are around." I said looking up at him.

"If we could keep the restless away we would." Asher said as he looked down at me softly while gently petting my head.

"That's good to know." I say smiling a contented smile up at him.

For a while we are in comfortable quiet.

"Asher?" I ask.

"Yes Britt?" He asks me.

"When you Juliana and Jean-Claude were together and away from the Vampire Council what places did you go to?" I ask curiously.

"We went to many places. We mostly wandered France and sometimes even visited Italy including Rome though." He said while smiling.

"That must have been amazing." I said while looking up at him.

"Some of it was. Though it probably would have been especially for you had you been there." Asher said smiling.

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