Chapter IX

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~ Brittany's Point of View ~

It has been five months since I first came to St. Louis for a new start and what a new start it was. Especially because I was with two wonderful men who happened to be Vampires, who I loved, and who I knew loved me. It was also closer to Christmas, which had always been my absolute favorite holiday, but this year it was going to be even more so because I got to spend it not only with my friends Trichelle, Roxanne, Cinder, Jason, Stephen, and many others, but also Jean-Claude and Asher.

Currently because it was Christmas Eve Jason, Nathaniel, and I were getting Christmas gifts for everyone I was spending time with for Christmas. Though I found it quite hard to find something for Jean-Claude and Asher, but after a while I finally decided to buy two necklaces that I thought matched them. After buying the gifts Jason, Nathaniel, and I headed back to the Circus to wrap them as we waited for Jean-Claude and Asher to wake up. I had also bought Damian a Christmas gift.

I was on the last gift which was for Trichelle, Roxanne, and Cinder while Jason and Nathaniel had gone to feed Jean-Claude and Asher. I was sitting on the floor near the fireplace as I waited. I leaned back against the couch while sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the fireplace and prayed in my head while smiling, "Thank you Lord for putting me at the right time and place to meet and be with Jean-Claude and Asher. And please keep us safe from harm."

"You sure have been busy Trésor Fragile." Jean-Claude said as he and Asher came into the room I was in while smiling. Asher was smiling as well.

"Yes I have been." I said as I stood. Though my legs were apparently wobbly because I almost fell back down to the floor.

"Careful Fleur Fragile." Asher said catching me and gently sat me on the couch.

"Guess I was sitting too long. Oops." I said smiling an embarrassed smile while blushing softly.

"It's alright. You have nothing to be embarrassed about Trésor Fragile." Jean-Claude said while chuckling and kissing my forehead along with Asher.

"Merry Christmas Eve." I said smiling at them and as I hug them.

"Merry Christmas Eve." They both said.

"What are we doing for Christmas Eve?" I asked them.

"You will see Notre Petite Trésor." Asher said while smiling.

They gave me a beautiful sapphire dress, and a purple ribbon hair tie. And then we leave the Circus. They take me to a theater and we take reserved seats, they surprise me with us seeing the Nutcracker Ballet.

I smile as I sit in between them and watch it with them. And I think to myself, "Best Christmas Eve ever!"

~ Asher's Point of View ~

We surprise Brittany with watching the Nutcracker Ballet. As we watch Jean-Claude and I watch her as well. I smile seeing how happy she is.

"She is positively radiant tonight." I say to Jean-Claude with my mind.

"She is always radiant. But Oui you are right Mon Ami. It is nice to see her so happy." Jean-Claude says back.

I nod in agreement.

~ Jean-Claude's Point of View ~

"I can't imagine how strong their legs have to be to dance like that. I would never pull it off it was me doing that." Brittany said while watching and smiling.

"They build their strength for it Trésor Fragile." I said while gently squeezing her hand that I was holding and smiling.

"It also takes practice Fleur Fragile." Asher said as he stroked her hand gently while smiling softly at her.

She nodded as smiling as we watched. After it's over we head to a masquerade ball and we take turns dancing with her. We make sure she rests as well whenever she feels tired.

Unfortunately we meet Marcus, Raina, and Gabriel at the ball and have to be friendly. Luckily Brittany had her writing book with her. But as soon as we could we left and went to spend the rest of the night at the Circus.

We try to soothe Brittany once home because the encounter especially with Raina and Gabriel disturbed her enough that she was physically shaking and even looked ill. We kept her close to us once we were home and after a while she calmed.

"The feeling I get around them is worse than when I first met them." Brittany said with fear in her voice.

"It's going to be alright. We won't let them hurt you Britt." Asher said while gently rubbing her back in soothing circles as I gently held and rocked her quietly.

Thankfully she calmed after a while but we continued what we were doing so that she felt better.

"I love both of you so much. I can't imagine my life without you in it." She said to us.

"We love you too." Asher said as he gently kissed her forehead.

"We wouldn't want to be here without you. It would be too lonely and dark." I added as I kissed her forehead as well. And she kissed us back.

That night we made love to her after she said she wanted to give her virginity to us. We were as gentle as possible as we did. And we laid close together as Dawn came and it became officially Christmas.

~ Raina's Point of View ~

Marcus, Gabriel, Deyanira, and I were back at the barn which had now also been converted partially into a home for us in a very isolated location in St. Louis that I made sure very few knew where the location was so that few would get in our way once we had Jean-Claude, Asher, and Brittany in our grasp.

"Everything is ready. In two days Brittany will be taken and she will be put in a position where the only way to save her life is either for Jean-Claude or Asher or both to make her a human servant. And then after New Years we will take them and bring them here. Once they are here you are welcome to do whatever you plan on doing to them Raina, Gabriel, and Marcus." Deyanira said after she came to tell us while Ahriman was busy.

"That's very good news." Marcus said. And Gabriel and I nodded in agreement.

"Our waiting is almost over." I said calmly.

"A great late Christmas gift." Gabriel added.

Marcus, and I nodded in agreement with him.

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