Chapter XIV

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~ Raina's Point of View ~

The looks on Jean-Claude's and Asher's gagged faces was well worth the wait for this, even though they were rage filled looks at us. After the exchange from the Vampire taking of St. Louis and Jean-Claude, Asher, and Brittany were loaded onto the second bus Marcus, Gabriel, and I went to a nice waiting car where a driver waited after I sent Deyanira to ride on the bus that Jean-Claude, Asher, and Brittany are on to keep an eye on Brittany. While Ahriman waited for us all at the settlement in the Amazon.

Gabriel wanted to have Brittany in the car with us, which put a look of fright on her face as well as her eyes, but I convinced him to wait until we got to our new home and had our video cameras set up. I smirked seeing even more fear on Brittany's face and in her eyes, however I also saw her thinking "You're sick!" And basically forced myself to go to the car that awaited.

Our car was the first to leave and led the way.

~ Brittany's Point of View ~

After the encounter with the vampire taking over from Jean-Claude, Jean-Claude, Asher, and I were forced onto the second bus. The woman from one of the dreams that I had after I first met and became close to them also came onto the bus as well. I tried to keep my breathing calm but was starting to struggle to. It got even worse when she came near us after we were forced into one of the bus seats that were three seating unlike normal buses.

She ungagged us and said to us that if we swore not to try to escape she would unchain our wrists. And after hesitating we swore we wouldn't. Then she unlocked our wrists for not but left the band on our necks and our ankles chained, then she left to go to the front of the bus after ungagging and half unchaining Gretchen and Damian.

She knocked Gretchen's hand away with surprising ease when Gretchen tried to grab her and gave a warning look at Gretchen. Then she went to the front of the bus as the bus started to move.

"You don't look so good Britt." Damian said while looking back at me.

"Fear does that." I said softly and he nodded in understanding while I looked at the woman wearily.

"Do you know her?" Gretchen asked noticing how I was looking at the woman.

"Yes. She's the girlfriend of the man who hurt me and caused me to be mute for a while." I said softly.

Asher and Jean-Claude gently hugged me too them. I eased a very slowly.

"I'm sorry this is happening. I didn't mean for it to." I said softly.

"It's not your fault Ma Cherie." Asher said while gently kissing the top of my head. And Jean-Claude nodded in agreement as he gently rubbed my back.

"It's not just you they were after." A girls voice said.

I startled slightly and looked behind me at her with a questioning look going silent like I usually do with strangers.

"What do you mean?" Jean-Claude asked looking back at her along with Asher.

"They were after you and your second as well. Not just Brittany." She said.

I shuddered not liking the sound of that. And after hesitating for a while asked her, "Why?" Apparently I asked too softly because Asher had to repeat my question.

"I heard someone say something about dark web porn. But also something about not only making your love a sex slave along with you, but also something called a broken pet. Whatever that is, it is definitely not good." She said with a sympathetic look towards me.

I paled not liking the sound of that.

"I think I have heard of that before...Those who are made that way have a worse case of trauma bonding and stockholm syndrome. Those like that won't do anything without their "owner or owners" permission and wouldn't fight against any abuse they are put through. In fact they would give in and eventually even crave the abuse done to them. They wouldn't even move without their "owners" permission." I said loud enough for her to hear but as well as another woman by her. I was sure the unfriendly vampire could hear me because he smirked back at me when I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes.

Jean-Claude, Asher, Gretchen, Damian, the girl behind us and a few others near enough stared with either horrified or disturbed looks. Jean-Claude's and Asher's faces had a mix of horror and fury.

"Damn that's just plain evil and cruel." She said shuddering.

"That's an understatement Syra." Another girl said while looking disgusted her arms crossed under her breasts and one of her chained legs was moving restlessly making the chain jingle a little. Her eyes were actually narrowed as well, she had green eyes but the were no where near as green as Damian's, they were more like sea green.

"I know Scarlett." Syra said while going quiet.

~ Asher's Point of View ~

I hated what was happening to all of us, but especially what was being planned on being done to Brittany. In fact it made me furious as well as sick to my stomach. And through our link I knew Jean-Claude felt the same as I did, but he also felt dread, because like me he didn't want Brittany to be made into such a think.

I gently and firmly squeezed her hand. I was hoping we would be able to escape before Marcus, Raina, and Gabriel succeeded in getting us to the Amazon. But currently none of us had a chance.

~ Jean-Claude's Point of View ~

After hearing Brittany tell what she has heard of what a broken pet was, I felt not only fury and horror, but also dread. I truly didn't want Brittany to suffer that because she absolutely didn't deserve it. In fact I believed no one deserved that, except maybe Marcus, Raina, and Gabriel.

I also knew that Asher believed that as well. I was also cursing in my head that we couldn't get out of this situation to keep them from causing Brittany to suffer that monstrous fate. I don't normally pray but right now I was praying hard. Even as the bus took us closer and closer to the horror that I feared awaited us.

I also feared for people in St. Louis.

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