Chapter XII

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~ Brittany's Point of View ~

I slowly woke up after everything went black, and at first I didn't remember what was happened. Then as I woke fully it all came flood and I immediately became aware that I was bound to a chair because I couldn't move very much, I also realized that I was gagged because only muffled sounds would come out.

"Struggle all you want. You won't easily get free unless I help you or give you a knife to cut the ropes. Which isn't happening yet." The woman who had grabbed me with the snake said.

I looked at her with fearful as well as weary eyes. And for I while I struggled and I also tried to remove the gag but couldn't get low enough to my hands to do so. I groaned in frustration behind the gag, and gave up after a while, although I still tried off and on.

I felt like I was stuck like this for what seemed like forever before she got my attention because of speaking suddenly.

"Have you ever heard of a snake called the Iadian Lessapal Brittany?" She asked me as she lightly stoked the snake around her neck.

I blinked looking at her shaking my head while wondering why she was suddenly talking to me.

"It's a poisonous snake that has yet to be discovered by people of America because they haven't reached that deep into the Amazon Jungle yet. The people who live in the Amazon know about it but not many others." She said still stroking the damn reptile, she also smiled as she stood and started walking towards me with the snake. Which made my heart to start to race while I was wondering why she was telling me this.

She just smiled as she got closer as she could tell that I was afraid.

"The venom of this snake causes a pain and even slow death. Definitely slow depending on where you are bitten. And depending on where you're bitten it could be extremely painful. The venom can cause painful muscle cramps in your legs and arms, and it can also cause severe headaches and seizures." She said as she brought the snake closer to me. I whimpered behind the gag and tried to lean out of reach with little to no success. Then I yelped softly behind the gag as I felt the snake bite me in the arm.

That's when I heard Jean-Claude's voice, "Get away from her you evil witch!" I looked and saw him along with Asher and saw them coming in.

The woman smirked moving away from me and she said to them, "You're too late. The damage has been done. Let's see if you can save her life." And then she disappeared along with the snake.

I whimpered behind the gag as I started to feel the venom start to work the arm muscles where the snake bit me was already starting to cramp up painful as well as one of my legs.

~ Jean-Claude's Point of View ~

The evil witch that took Brittany disappeared, but the words she said before she did, gave me a very bad feeling and glancing at Asher I could tell he felt the same. We moved quickly to her now that the witch was gone.

Asher worked quickly to untie her, as I ungagged her.

"What happened Brittany?" I asked her as she whimpered in pain while the muscles of her right arm tightened up on her painfully.

"She let her venomous snake bite me. She said it was a snake from the Amazon called a Iadian Lessapal. And that America doesn't know about it yet because they haven't gone deep enough into the Amazon to have encountered it." Brittany struggled to tell us what all the witch said.

"Merde that means there's no anti venom." Asher said.

"She said that the venom...causes painful muscle...cramps in my arms and legs...and severe headaches and seizures...and the pain can be extreme...depending on where bitten...and death..." Brittany said then screamed in pain.

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