Chapter V

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~ Brittany's Point of View ~

I slept during the car ride to Trichelle's house, my head on Jean-Claude's lap and my feet on Asher. I fell into a deep sleep that at first was like I was floating in black space, then I was walking in a pitch black tunnel, as I walked I started to get a bad feeling in my stomach.

After walking for a while I came to a door that was unlocked but huge and heavy, as I struggled to push it open, even as my sense of dread grew worse and stronger. I walked through the door and found myself in a barn that had what looked like an amateur movie set, but that wasn't what was making me feel crushed from dread. What I saw was Jean-Claude and Asher chained by their wrists to a reinforced metal beam in the barn rafters, their shirts were gone showing any scars that they had but they had pants on, their mouths were also gagged.

Their eyes were calm at first but then they widened and they started trying to speak while jerking against the chains but the chains held fast and the gags muffled any words they tried to get out. I looked to see what they saw and I froze because I saw a woman and a man walking towards where I stood near a bound and gagged Jean-Claude and Asher, the woman and man made me nervous but what made me feel like my heart was skipping beats was seeing myself bound and gagged being forced to follow the man and woman my eyes were blank at first then fearful when the bound and gagged me that I was seeing saw Jean-Claude and Asher and began to whimper and even try to beg for Jean-Claude and Asher to be released but my gag prevented speech as well.

The me I was seeing tried to get free but was also chained by my wrists that I had just noticed were hanging from the barn rafters as well only it was about a foot or two away facing a bound and gagged Jean-Claude and Asher. I struggled as well but it didn't make a difference as my legs were forced apart and chained so that they stayed that way. I myself tried to scream or say stop to make what was happening stop but no sound would come out and the me I was helpless to watch flinched as a loud crack of a whip sounded through the air but hadn't hit me yet though I knew it was coming.

I watched as the gags were temporarily removed from the me I was watching as well as Jean-Claude and Asher. While two other unfamiliar people showed themselves while having two other whips in their hands, I had no doubt why.

"Raina, Gabriel let her go!" Jean-Claude demanded despite his voice being dry because of the gag.

"She doesn't deserve this! Let her go!" Asher said as he jerked against the chains but the chains held fast and unyielding. His voice was just as dry as Jean-Claude.

The woman smirked at them. But it was the male who spoke.

"Neither of you are really in a position to command us. And she's not really going anywhere." Gabriel said mockingly.

"I may not be able to command you Gabriel. But I can you Raina because you know I control wolves." Jean-Claude said while glaring at them while straining against the chains holding him.

"You may find doing that won't be so easy Jean-Claude. Or you Asher." Raina said smirking.

The me I was watching blinked several times a look of confusion but also dread. Just as she was about to ask what the hell that was supposed to mean I heard Jean-Claude's and Asher's voice calling me trying to wake me up.

I gasped as I woke blinking rapidly and tried to stretch but paused when I heard Asher say, "Careful fleur fragile. Your muscles might hurt because you were curled a little too tightly." I nodded and slowly uncurled myself flinching slightly.

I also groaned softly as I felt a sharp pain in my forehead, "How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"You slept while most of your things were loaded." Jean-Claude said while looking at me with a soft look that Asher mirrored.

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