Chapter 2: Fallout

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'How... How did everything went to shit so quickly?!'

Those were the thoughts running through Felix's head as he landed his pelican in the communications tower of Chorus.

After his journey back to Remnant, everything actually seemed to be looking up for them. They had the location of one of the Keyswords and with it they could activate a doomsday device that will put an end to this war, and give him his paycheck!

And although that buffoon, Doyle, got the key before them, when he decided to be a fucking hero and blow the capital to hell, along with half of Felix's and Locus' troops, the control of the key went to them.

And then the Reds and Blues got on their way... Again!

Carolina and Washington stopped them from getting to the doomsday device. They fought them off, while Tucker and his stupid friends attacked their bases. And then used thier own tractor beam to drag down the ship of Tartarus on the tower of death!

They lost their army, their base, and now their only way of winning this war!

He won't let this stand!

He threw Locus out of the ship, the imbecile resting against the wall, fucking drama queen, and started gathering his weapons. Tucker wanted to be a hero?! Then he'll die like a fucking hero!

"Wake up!" He told Locus while handing him his SMG. "I told you we'd make it!."

Locus grunted, but didn't stood up. "Felix... It's over."

"Run your camp, and stick to the shadows. I'll draw them out," He ordered while activating his sword.

He knew their mission was over. But not to him, not to them! They were the best, they were Locus and Felix, partners in crime! Nothing was going to stop them. Not Hargrove, not Kimball, and definitely not Tucker.

"The Tartarus is destroyed," Locus, oh so helpfully reminded him. "Our numbers are falling. The mission..."


"Fuck the missions!" He snapped at him. "Jesus Christ, for once in your life would you forget about following goddamned orders?"

He knew the guy was fucked up, but seriously?! Now of all times?! After their first actual defeat in God knows how long?! Can't he- Can't he just try and stick to his side?!

"I'm not doing this for Hargrove. I'm doing this for me." He said, turning around. "Once those imbeciles are dead, we have a new job waiting remember?! And I won't go in to that bitch on fire, without a perfect streak."

And with that, he walked away. Waiting for his partner to recover and join him.

As he walked, he continued to fum over all that's happened. Why won't those idiots die?! This mission was supposed to be a simple one, one where they would kill everyone and get their reward, like usual!

At first, he thought this was all the Freelancer's fault. It had to be, they were the only competent soldiers amongst them. And yet they barely had any hand on the times they've been outsmarted.

Tucker believed he was hot shit? Well he isn't! He is weak, while he was strong. He survived the great war while Tucker was out there, probably masturbating on a rock!

He had aura, which allowed him to survive the toughest of battles, he had skills with his knives that had no comparison, and he had a partner that would stick to his side through everything that happened to them. Unlike before...

He wasn't going to lose. He wasn't weak. He wasn't Jaune, he was Felix! And he will destroy the Reds and Blues!

And they were here, because of course they would be on his way! He saw them on the pelican, and he knew this was going to be their next course of action. To transmit the message to fuck Hargrove over, and let Chorus receive the help it needed.

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