Chapter 8: Dance, Dance, Altercations

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'Fuck, fuck, fuck! Okay, no panicking, no panicking!'

It was hard for Felix to keep a straight face as he stared at the man in front of him. Nicholas Arc was the same towering man he remembered, the man Arc junior aspired to be when he graduated from the academy before getting his ass expelled. Sadly, Felix has now reverted to a state where his face closely resembled Jaune's even with the contacts, hair dye and the scar he made across his cheek, Nicholas would be the hardest one to fool since he's known Arc since the dumb buffoon came to this world.

Still for the sake of his identity, Cinder's plan, and most importantly of all: his payment. He plastered a smile on his face and walked towards the man with a hand stretched for a shake, and keeping his voice natural, forcing it would only call people's attention. "Nice to meet you sir, I'm Felix Naran."

Nicholas blinked, Felix's voice no doubt catching him off guard. His eyes narrowed as he gave me a look, analyzing me to see if I was his son in disguise. Yet I knew he wouldn't find what he was looking for in me, Jaune was as good as a corpse lost in the sea.

Eventually he sighed and put grabbed my hand to respond to the handshake. "Nicholas Arc," His voice was gruffer than Felix's remembered. "A pleasure."

"Likewise," He replied, pulling the hand away. "Not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here on Beacon?"

"I had some... Personal issues to deal with Ozpin," He replied, crossing his arms and sitting on Felix's bed—Which annoyed him to no end. "As I'm sure you know, my son went... missing during the last semester."

As members of team NPR gloomed at their missing teammate, Felix just nodded, wishing the conversation could lead to somewhere else—Arc, Arc, Arc. Always about him in this fucking room...

"So I've heard," He replied curtly, wanting the man to get to the point.

"So I came to an agreement with your Headmaster. In exchange for me staying for a few days, he will help in the search efforts for my son," The man explained. "I won't be a teacher or anything, but aid in the incoming midterm missions for the first years and as chaperone in the dance."


"That's great!" Felix said with excitement...


Nicholas Arc was everything his son was not. Little Jaune once saw the man held back three Ursa Major at once, with nothing more than a short sword when he forgot Crocea Moirs. The man was a beast, and now that he knows what Semblances and auras are, he wondered what the man's Semblance was. Some strength enhancing one like the bimbo?

It didn't matter, the point was that with Nicholas Arc here, Cinder's plans would get even more complicate. And that means no paycheck and no way to getting back to Locus. He has to tell her as soon as possible as he can.

"Maybe you could aid us in a spar?" Pyrrha offered. "It will be grand to have another veteran Huntsman to give us pointers."

"I would love to," The man said, sitting up from bed and smiling at the redhead.

'Oh sure. You train a bunch of strangers but not your son,' Felix resisted the urge to not roll his eyes. Whatever, any time he has to show up is always a good time.

"Sure, I'm in," He smiled, rolling his shoulders as warm up. "I don't have anything to do right now..."

He will meet to Ruby tomorrow, to keep preparing his new weapon. Since she was apparently busy with her own father visiting from what she told him via message—Parents right?— And this will be a team bonding experience yay!

... And a way of gathering more info from the Invincible Girl that Cinder might be more than thankful for. He didn't saw who else was in the 'List', but he putting in Nora and Ren might be productive. He didn't know what the boss lady was aiming by just targeting the young ones but it was always nice to gain more points and coins from her.

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