Chapter 10: Over Their Heads

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Okay, the day didn't start out in the best way. Things were tense in her dorm-room since Yang and Blake barely made eye contact with one another, and neither she or Weiss know what to do for this situation. To makes matters worse, Felix—the poop-head—had to go back to Mistral because his dad had an incident. Her heart went out for him, and she wished the best for his dad's recovery, but he could have at least said bye instead of her knowing via text. So yeah, not the best way to start and important day for Ruby Rose.

That all changed when they received a package from home. A package that contained the most precious thing for Ruby next to her hood and Crescent Rose. "ZWEI!"

The corgi of her family looked up happily at her two owners, wagging his little tail as Ruby scooped him into her arms and cradled him like a baby. Since he was her little baby! Oh yes he was, yes he was!

Weiss and Blake were in disbelief at what they were seeing. "Maybe it's something in my coffee..." Blake started. "But did that dog just came out of a cylindrical package?"

"Sent by your dad...?" Weiss finished; her head tilted as she examined the dog.

"He does that all the time," Yang shrugged.

"The dog or your dad?"

"Yes," Yang said in a complete straight tone. "Here's the note to justify him: "Hey girls! After all you've been through, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and send Zwei over so you can look after him while I'm on a mission, and so you can have something to cheer you up. Love you both: Dad. PS: I sent enough food for him so don't worry."

As she said that, she tilted the cylinder, and challenging the laws of physics again, tons of canned dog food came out from it. Hehe, classic...

"So are you saying that this mangy..." Nooo, Weiss, don't call him that! "... Drooling..." Look at his face Weiss, he wouldn't hurt a fly! "Mutt... Is going to is going to wiv wif us foweva? Oh, yes he is, yes he is! Oh, isn't he adorable!"


Blake however, didn't shared their enthusiasm as she hid on Ruby's bunk bed, and if the way her bow was flattened back against her head was any indication, then she was doing she saw some cats do when Zwei approaches them to play.

"Well ladies, while having Zwei around is always a pleasure," Yang said as she petted the dog's head and scratched his chin with a grin, making him pant happily. "We need to get moving. They called us to the auditorium, time for us to get some action without... consequences."

Everyone nodded, with Ruby setting Zwei on the floor to prepare. Weiss left the room cooing and sputtering cute words in Zwei's direction, while Blake leaped from bunkbed to bunkbed until she scampered out of the room.

Ruby looked down at the dog. He would be fine without them, he had food and a can opener but... Didn't dad sent them to be their support? And he just got here... there shouldn't be any problem, right?

She looked around her room and saw her backpack, then back at Zwei and the smile blossomed on her face. For better or worse, Zwei was now a member of team RWBY! They will be called... Team RWWBY!

... How do their teachers come up with name that actually have meaning with all those letters? It was hard.

Everyone gathered in the auditorium. And after professor Goodwitch settled everyone down, and professor Ozpin gave them a speech about the Great War and how as a stand against its principles began the tradition of the color naming, team RWBY began scouting for jobs for them to do.

"I want to do search and destroy!" Ruby said as she looked around the screens with options for them to take. "We can all take on Grimm and help people. Great practice for the future!"

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