Chapter 12: No Breaks

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Felix glared angrily at Ruby as he waited for an answer. Gripping her hair tighter and causing a yelp to come from her mouth. "I'll ask one last time, girly!" Crater face better give him one hell of an answer. "What are you doing here?!"

She gaped like a fish for a moment, before glaring. "I-I ain't telling you nothing. Y-You... Asshole!"

Oh, so now she's using big, bad words? Part of him felt proud. The majority felt annoyed and irritated.
How could she be here? This place was only accessible through the permission of some high rank Huntsmen. That's why it was chosen as a hideout in the first place! And why sent a first-year, specially one who earned quite the infamous reputation as her, in the first place?! Something wasn't adding up, and that only frustrated him more.

"Well red, if you won't listen to my friend here," Roman said, twirling his cane. "Then maybe you will listen to me after... some convincing."

What was he...?


"Agh!" Ruby was struck across the face, her aura flaring up, by Roman with his cane.


Felix sized him by the arm and turned him around. "What are you doing?!" He hissed angrily.

"I could be asking you the same question, buddy!" Roman said, retching his arm free from his grasp. "What's the problem? I was just teaching the brat a lesson."

"Of how to be stupid?" Felix asked. Roman's eyes fell flat as he looked at him. "Look, this isn't the time to be beating a child to death right now."

A clown beating someone with a red hood with a metallic bar... Where has he seen this before?
Never mind that. Focus!

"With how bore the day has been, it sure as hell is!" Roman said, poking a finger to Felix's chest which he batted away. "I pegged you for someone who would be willing to do that sort of thing, so why so protective all of the sudden?"

Inside his helmet, Felix's eyes strayed towards Ruby, who was being restrained again by two mutts of the Fang. Why was he being protective all of the sudden he asked? Because this girl was the reason he was who he is today, and he was going to make sure she lived long enough to understand and adopt his ways as a thank you.

So, if he wanted to stop Ruby from being Jason Todd-ed, he had to do what he knew best. To lie and twist his words with his unmeasurable charisma to make things go his way, as usual.

"Look, this is the same girl who has been a pain in your ass for the beginning of this year," Felix told him.

Roman scoffed and glared at him. "A girl you said wouldn't get in our way ever again after the Paladin thing."

The reminder made Felix clenched his teeth and fists in anger. "Don't interrupt me again," He threatened. "She has a team. And I doubt she is here alone, sooner or later they'll look for her. And if they somehow manage to find us, it'll be more problem than its worth. So, here's what we should do: Tie her up, load her into the train, and let's get this plan on the way before we have more problems."

"W-What plan...?!" Ruby asked nervously, making Felix groan in annoyance.

"You. Quiet. Before we bring the gag," he told her, making her start struggling again and making the two thugs pin her to the ground. "See? Now you just made it worse..."

She glared at him in anger. But for Felix she just looked like a kid with a pouty look.

"And if just decide to not listen to you?" Roman asked, arms crossed. "This is still a mess you guaranteed was not going to happen."

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