Chapter 6: Consequences

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Felix couldn't be any happier even if he received a pile of money falling from the sky... Okay, he lied, he would be happier if that happened, but this was a close second. This was the first step on a personal plan of his, and a big damn satisfaction he felt after hearing those holier-than-thou bitches try to get in the way of his job.

The Bullhead the beautiful Neo brought to get them out of that highway landed on a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, with the Paladin getting detached from it before the ship touched the floor and setting it to the side.

Roman hopped off the cockpit and brushed his suit. "Thank goodness this thing is still clear," He said as he took out a cigarette and lit it up, taking a long drag from it. "Ah, gentlemen, thank you for your cooperation tonight."

"You're kidding? Best night I had in ages... but it could be better, right Neo?" He said, looking at the mute girl with a sly look behind his helmet.

She put a hand to her mouth, pretending to be scandalized. Then she extended her hand and used her Semblance to materialize a sign that said: 'Keep trying, pretty boy.'

"Or better yet, give it up," Roman said with a glare and Felix had to roll his eyes behind his helmet. Seems the guy has a protective complex on the multi colored girl. "I was going to invite you for a drink, but now I'm rethinking my options..."

Neo made a pouty face behind her while Felix just scoffed, his suspicions confirmed over what posture the orange haired thief had for the Ice-cream Goddess. Locus remained silent, standing behind Felix with his arms crossed behind his chest.

"Whatever," Felix told the man. "My Ice cream Goddess and I have to go back to Beacon from our 'date' so if you aren't going to treat us to that drink then start talking to our boss so she gets our first payment."

"Tell her yourself, ass. She's your 'classmate'," The told him with a glare, walking away with his staff before going to Neo and whispering something on her ear. Whatever he said caused the girl to roll her eyes in a way a teenager would do to an overprotective father.

And considering what he's seen so far, the comparison wasn't that detached from reality.

"Felix," Locus said from behind him, his cold tone cutting through any victorious thoughts Felix had over the night. "We have to talk. In private"

"... Can't it wai—"

"No," His tone, firm as stone left no room for arguments and Felix felt his body stiffen.

He wasn't the only one to notice; behind him both Neo and Roman grew tense. The silent soldier barely said a thing in the time they've known him, but hearing him speak sent shivers down their spines, they were quite sure that out of the two assassins he was the most dangerous of the pair.

"I, uh... have to make a few calls," Roman said, taking out his scroll. "Gotta make sure the new animals know our meeting spot after that whole spectacle..." He said with an awkward chuckle as he walked away.

Neo got off the Bullhead and skipped behind the thief. She passed by Felix and gave him a pat on the shoulder. The mercenary didn't know what to make out of that...

"... Alright, lead the way," He said with a sigh, gesturing the man to take the lead.

Locus turned around and walked inside one of the warehouses they were using as a base. The room was dark and filled with crates, probably one of the many places where Roman sent the Dust he's been stealing this past months.

Then Locus activated his camouflage and Felix immediately went for the hilt of his sword, only for him to receive a hit to the cheek and then one to the gut. His sword hilt got removed from his hip and a tight grip grabbed his throat, and he gripped the invisible arm holding him.

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