Chapter 5: Dominoes Falling

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Ruby hasn't been able to focus on her classes all week. Her mind was a whirlwind of plans, scenarios and conspiracy theories due to a plethora of different elements clashing on her mind, and causing her poor fifteen year old brain to go almost on overload. Between the mix of her incoming plans of scouting the city of Vale with her team to look for villainous activities, and the newest member of Team NPR plus, it left little to no space for whatever story professor Port was narrating, or whatever historical fact Professor—Excuse her, Doctor Oobleck might be telling them, especially with his motorboat mouth.

But one part of such whirlwinds are soon coming to an end; for tomorrow was the day!

Yes, tomorrow.

They've being preparing all week, tuning their weapons and buying dust ammunition both for their secret mission and for the Vytal Tournament and giving management to their weapons so they would be at a one-hundred percent. No White Fang grunt would stand a chance, or even Torchwick himself.

Call it a gut feeling, but tomorrow was going to be great!

Which still left a single problem, and that problem had a name.

Felix Naran.

Right now they're having combat class, and Ruby was watching as team NPR plus sat on the opposite side of the room—obviously trying to avoid her and her team—with Felix sitting in the place where Jaune would've sit, at Pyrrha's side and opposite from Ren. They seemed to be getting along, Felix told them something that elicited barely concealed giggles from Pyrrha, a laugh from Nora, and a smirk from Ren.

She was starting to think that maybe she just went crazy. First the weird soldier guy at the docks, then her black haired classmate, both having a tone of voice that reminded her of her missing blonde friend, yet it couldn't be just that. Blake admitted that the guy with the amazing armor sounded like Jaune he just... Didn't acted like him.

For as little as they've known each other, she knew Jaune wouldn't kill a person and then used them as a human—or Faunus in this case—shield.

Then came Felix, same voice yet again and her whole team agreed that it sounded like Jaune, just a tiny bit less... dorky. It freaked them out, yet they brushed it aside as a mere coincidence.

But then they met in the hallway and he said the exact same, lame pick up line Jaune told her when they met at the courtyard of the school on their first day.

It was all so weird and confusing! So Ruby's mind started to formulate theories about it, there had to be an explanation behind this aside from it being a mere coincidence.

The first was that all three of them were the same person... But they were all too different from each other. Jaune was a dork, and no offense to him but he couldn't fight all that well... As Weiss liked to remark, the armored guy... she wasn't sure what kind of person he was aside from being good at fighting and at killing... so yeah, and she might not know much of Felix but he only seemed like a normal guy of Yang's age.

Then she thought... Clones!

... That idea was quickly thrown to the trash bin of her brain.

Then it could be that they're related, Yang and her were basically mini-versions of their moms, so Jaune and Felix could be cousins or something. But that didn't explain the armored guy, or why Felix didn't show any reaction to being on the same team as Jaune if they were family.

She resisted a sigh, nothing added up and it was driving her nuts. She tried to take her up with her team but they just chalk it up to coincidence, saying any guy would use pick-up lines like that. She had to convince Yang that Felix wasn't interested in her and didn't have to 'talk' with him.

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