Chapter 11: Search and Destroy

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After that show of power from Mister Arc, team RWBY sprang into action. Yang rocketed towards a trio of Beowolves, her teammates moving as other Grimm turned around the corner. She landed a right hook towards the snout of one of the mutts, and then gave a haymaker against one that was sneaking behind her back.

They dealt with the first bout pretty quickly. Grimm was child-play by now. Yang bashed skulls, Weiss pierced them or froze them with her rapier, Blake... she held her own pretty well despite her tiredness, and Ruby as always was a master with her scythe cleaving through them.

They gathered in front of Mister Arc, and Ruby gave him a thumbs up. "Easy cake."

"For now," Mister Arc said as he motioned to follow them. "This was just the first bout and I don't doubt we'll find more as we scout."

Said and done, the further they went into the city, the more Grimm they fought. And in Yang's opinion, they were more than welcome to meet her fists.

This is just what she needed after being inside the infirmary for so long and then with all the shit that has been pilling on her team during this semester. And that just didn't feet fair! Not when all they did was trying to help the city, help their... teammate.

Her eyes strayed for a moment towards Blake, who used her Shadow to avoid the hit from one of the Grimm she was fighting. Yang gritted her teeth and punched extra hard one of the Beowolves she was fighting, and then as if it was a sandbag she unleashed a barrage of punches on its torso that culminated on an uppercut and then a double hammer to its skull causing it to crack.

As she turned against another three, her thoughts kept straying to her partner's situation. Even if Blake was handling her own against the Grimm, people were a different thing, they would not lash out angrily, they will have technique and weapons on them not to discard the possibility of Semblances. And who knew what sort of things those two weird armored guys will have in them.

And yet she stubbornly refused help, she kept distancing herself from them, and yet she asked them to come here because of her 'research.' Yang had been seconds way from telling her off back at Beacon, but when professor Ozpin all but gave them a giftwrapped opportunity to make things right, they just couldn't say no...

Ugh, and then there was their assigned Huntsman. He didn't made a first good impression on Yang, scolding her sister like that. But then again, she supposed, Ruby had it coming by bringing Zwei—like, come on Rubes!

But the way he called her out like that didn't settle well with Yang. And she will admit, she had her doubts since he was Jaune's father. She didn't have anything against the missing boy, and if she did she wasn't as vocal with it as Weiss was... but he faked his records when all of them trained hard their whole lives to get where they are. He could have gotten himself killed.

So, the shock of seeing his father destroy a Grimm's skull in a single blow was mindboggling.

So yeah, in a nutshell, killing this Grimm was pretty therapeutic for her. Even if, by if... yeah she was starting to feel out of breath after so many rounds. This felt like a boss rush from one of Ruby's games.

"Need assistance?" She turned to see Mister Arc with approaching her with a water canteen on his hand.

"No, I got this," She brushed him off, dodging a Grimm that came in her direction and giving it a series of jabs accompanied by shots from Ember Celica that put an end to it.

Nicholas snorted and took a swing from the canteen. "I can tell you're not exactly fond of me. After the scolding I gave Ruby."

Yang flinched and lowered her arms. "Look, I get Ruby did a stupid thing. But you didn't have to be that harsh on her."

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