CHAPTER XLVII: Three of Pentacles Reversed

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Punz's eventual suggestion was clear. Find out more about the energy, before going to the Cathedral. And as much as you hate doing so, you can't help but agree, which is why you're on your way to Ponk's. Surely, you're not really the first case he's had? The first patient with these off-putting symptoms? With this energy? If he happens to know someone who has something similar, perhaps you can more easily learn how to 'control' it, as Punz and Dream said.

So, with your footsteps soon enough leading you towards Ponk's and Sam's residence, you find the centaur already opening the door before you're even on their porch. He blinks a few times, as though he's surprised to see you, but he's not more thrown off than you are. After all, you expected him to be at the flower. Does that mean it's unguarded now? "Y/N," he ends up saying, getting out of the way to allow you in, but you don't yet. "What a pleasant surprise. Please, go ahead, come in. What can I help you with?"

Too shocked by his presence, you throw out your impulsive question right away. "The fuck? Shouldn't you be at the plant?" Sam lets out an awkward chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.

"Considering something's going on with Crimson right now, Drista and Philza told me to take a break. Some of their most powerful watchers would take over. And honestly, it's relieving not to be around that... thing... anymore. At first, it was rather pleasant being in its presence, but at some moment, the energy it gave me just switched." He's looking at you as though you should absolutely know what he's talking about, at which you're wondering if he has the same complicating feelings about it as you do. But no, that can't be the case. The way he worded it insinuates that his opinion actively changed, unlike your conflicted emotions.

"That's cool, mate," you then respond, remembering you're here for Ponk, not for Sam, "but can you get Ponk for me? I'm here to talk to him." For a few seconds, Sam just stares at you. Then, he takes a step behind, gesturing you to come inside, letting you know he'll get the elf for you right away. Apparently, you're lucky, because he hasn't left to the office yet.

With his hands on your shoulders, Sam brings you to the surprisingly dark living room, asking you to wait, but make yourself at home. So, you do.

The curtains are still fully closed, and you feel, despite the reasonable time, as though Ponk isn't even up yet. Watching as Sam leaves you in the living room, likely going to get Ponk, you allow yourself to look around, and be surprised by what you find in their house.

Not like Sam's aware of your curiosity. He's only minding his own thoughts, heart beating against his chest as he passes through the hallway towards Ponk's bedroom, where the elf should be resting tiredly right now. Sam can feel his own sense of safety slowly deteriorate, as the distance from you grows. It's terrible. It's terrible that this feeling he used to get from the enchanted plant has decided to change its course, leading in this loveless attraction to you. He knows that it's not love he experiences. It's the comfort he gets from you. The comfort your presence gifts him. It's the comfort that he wants in his grasp.

He doesn't want you. He needs you. He doesn't want you as any sort of a lover, or a partner: he wants you as a possession. A plushie to keep close to himself whenever he fears he may suffer from the injustice. A doll to talk to whenever he needs to talk about his problems. A prize to own which he can turn to whenever he feels as though he's in danger.

To him, you're still a human. A person. But only Death knows how long that will stay the same. When will you go from a human to an object? When will it be alarming enough for him to care?


A hum follows as response, as the elf coughs up a storm soon after. After Phil and Drista came to him with questions, Sam was sent home and Ponk had decided to check out the plant himself, to see what it was all about. For some reason, he's been lying on bed ever since he came back, sneezing and vomiting.

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