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Allyson's POV.

I opened my eyes, rubbing the blurriness away. I realized that I'm inside a vehicle. The noises from the outside — birds chirping, and the rustling leaves of trees. I looked at my left.

The scenery greeted me with it's warmth passing through the car window

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The scenery greeted me with it's warmth passing through the car window. Clouds forging to one another and small critters playing in the grassy field. I turn to face who was driving. It was my aunt, Evelyn.

" Oh, you're awake now. You must be hungry.... Here, have some waffles." She handed me waffles.

"Evelyn...." I called her name.

Judging from the scenario, it seems like both of us are heading to that place.

" Are we there yet? " I asked. She smiled back and looked at me through the reflection of the mirror.

" Not yet. " She said while reaching to turn the radio on.

" Don't worry Ally, we'll arrive sooner to your Grandfather's cabin. " She added.

I looked at my lap and saw the waffles — topped with whipped cream and fresh slice of strawberries. I placed one into my mouth.

I can't taste it.

" What's wrong? " She asked.

I looked at her reflection before saying nothing. She sighed. She sounds troubled. I wonder why?

She gave a few glances at me before commenting.

" I know it's sudden to leave our old house your mother rented. " She added. I didn't answer back. She was worried of me.

All I can do for today is to smile for her.

The silence didn't last long when we arrived at the road leading to a forest. The car stops in front of a cabin. Me and Evelyn leaves the car as I gaze the scenario outside. I took a deep breath.

" Allyson, be careful when walking. You might trip from the roots. " Evelyn warned while carrying the boxes as she headed towards the cabin.

I followed her and saw someone standing at the porch.

" Oh my.... Evelyn you actually came back!" It was Grandpa.The old man approached Evelyn.

" Hi Dad. Long time no see." They hugged each other. The old man chuckled as he took the boxes in her hand.

" How's your life here? " Evelyn asked.

" Ahh quiet as ever. Yesterday, I fell into the water while catching some trout Hahaha. ". Grandpa laughed. Evelyn gave a worried look.

" You sure you're fine? The lake is deep. You might loose something. For example — your dentures. ". She spoke jokingly.

The jolly old man looked at her and replied.

  " Ha! Nothing beats the old fishermen here, if I lost my teeth, wouldn't be good to catch a Karp smiling with a pair of teeth." Grandpa laughs.

I'm getting worried about his health.

" And how's my Little Ally doing?" He asked me and puts his hand on my head.

I smiled back at Grandpa.

" I'm fine. " I replied. Evelyn placed the last remaining boxes on the wooden table at the porch, she then removed her gloves.

" Sorry for the trouble Dad, you sure letting us stay here?" Evelyn asked.

" Hmmm.. Its okay, I'm willing to help. Besides, I can teach this shrub some few forest tricks." Grandpa tries to carry me but stops. Am I getting heavy?

" By the way Evelyn, are you going back to London after this?" Grandpa asked Evelyn. She made a wry smile before giving her final thoughts.

"I won't go back. I have to take care Allyson."

She approaches me.

" Starting today, we'll be living with your Grandfather. I hope you won't mind. " I smiled back at her.

" I won't. "

I wrapped my hands around her neck, letting her know that it's fine for me.

" Aight, It's still early in the morning. I'll go make breakfast. ". Evelyn exclaimed.

Thus my days started — New life, new home. But, it won't happen again.


After all, it was just a fleeting dream~

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