Chapter 11 : Spider's Web.

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[Third Person's POV]

" A ritual? "

Allyson asked, her hands trembled. A sudden reveal of a mysterious circle, perhaps something sinister is at stake. Kleid frown, his eyes peered at the ridges of the magic circle - glowing and pulsing for every few seconds.

" There's no mistaking. This is really the same circle... "

He crouched down and proceed to inspect. Chills leaned closer to his face - concerning from his reaction.

Kleid gave a soft smile. Although, behind his eyes were the same as he was before. He remembers the feeling... The dread, the tragedy-


A younger Kleid was strolling in the forest with nothing but a sturdy branch on his left hand. There he sees someone from a distance.

" Who's there? "

The man asked.

He wore a dark robe and was holding a large staff, decorated with a stylish shape and bright stones.

He stares at the distance, hoping he would spot a movement from the bushes. Kleid was hiding. Instead of being wary from the strange man, he was curious to what will the man do.

Assured and relieved, the man kneels - he lay his palm at the ground. A strange light appeared. The young beastfolk couldn't help but to look closer.

That was when in a quick gust of wind, he was found by the same man standing behind his back.

" A beastfolk child? "

The man points his staff, few inches away from meeting Kleid's nose. He then gave a sigh and helped the boy from standing up.

" Sorry for that. I must've frightened you. " He apologizes. Kleid shook his head.

The boy was just surprised.

" I'm Wahl, an adventurer

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" I'm Wahl, an adventurer. You must be one of the tribes living in this dense forest. "

He smiles. He looks at Kleid. He had this poker face on him. The man mistook him as a mute. Kleid on the other hand, leaned closer to the light the stranger has casted upon.

" Oh. "

" Easy there, young beastfolk. That's dangerous to get close to. " He gets closer with the circle.

" This is a magic circle. "

He points at the light slowly forming a circular symbol. With it's purplish light, it pulses for few seconds.

Kleid backed off a bit, but the man noticed it.

" It's not dangerous. "

He smiles. He then touched the ground and another magic circle formed.

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