Chapter 8 - A Lone Wolf.

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Third Person's Perspective.

It's 9 and a half in the evening when both Allyson and Rachel reached their destination. They were tasked to investigate anomalies in the North-East side of the forest.

As soon Rachel kneeled down, Allyson got off her back. First thing she noticed around was the large pine trees on the area. Bushes and other small vegetation tend to grow where the light could reach. She looks up, saw the light of the moon amongst the leaves. " Aight, time to do our job. ". Rachel exclaimed then proceed to wander the area.

" It's a bit dark here, do we need light? ". Allyson asks while following her. Rachel looks to the left and slowly reaches her hand towards one of the pine tree bark. " You definitely have to use this. ". She gives an object to Allyson. The girl just stares at it before it glows on her hand. Was this one of the gadgets Dixinians' use? - she thought to herself.

She points the stone at the right as it began emitting blue particles that resembles fireflies. " Use it frequent however. Remember that light shows our location here. ". She gave her an advice before kneeling down and listened to the ground. Allyson roams as she touches a pine tree. " Oh. It's just as the case had stated. ". She traces her fingers at the bark that was seemingly slashed by claws. " This is different than other animal marks. ". Rachel commented at her side and began observing the marks.

" A beastman must've caused this ". She said. Allyson moves back and had this curious face on her. " Is it a phantom? " She asked. The lady wondered as well, she was not sure if the perpetrator of this claw marks we're affiliated with the Phantoms. " I don't think so... ". She replied while observing the said mark.

Allyson notices again her tail swaying back and fort... She moves closer to it and trying to think if she would touch it or not... After that she began to enter her own world of curiosity, wondering if it's real or not? It looks like one of those cosplayers use , Is it soft? - she thought to herself. She immediately snapped back when Rachel laughs.

" Charles would probably be bored there if the marks appear on this area. ". She exclaimed before Allyson stood up. " Speaking of Charles... I wonder if he's okay there all alone investigating a forest this big. ". Allyson spoke. Rachel comes by and pats her shoulder telling it's fine for Charles.

" Oh yeah... How did you two met? ". Allyson asks her again.

" Hmm.... ".

She tries to recall her first meeting with him. " It was when I crossed the border between the two neighboring lands, Ragis & Magis. ".

Allyson was surprised. She then asks why she crossed the border. Rachel explains that Beastmen like her wasn't supposed to enter the Land of Magic, Rekoda Magis without permit. She was escorted by the Dixinians that time and was told to stay for a while before they run investigations around her. " Strict. ". Allyson commented. Rachel sat on a nearby rock and changes her views as she explains that there was happening amongst the tribes on Rekoda Ragis. " Something happened? ". Allyson asked.

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