Chapter 1:

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        / /Just Another Night / /

The music was almost ear - splitting to a point I couldn't even hear myself think. The floor vibrated each time the bass notes hit. My head is pounding and these heels are killing me ,my balance is just as good as a child attempting to ride a two wheeler bike for the first time . My high off the blow was no longer enjoyable but miserable. I stumbled through the hallway accidentally shoving people clumsily after the 5th time I quit mumbling "sorry" and ignoring each groan and complaint .My main focus at this point is to find Ava and get the fuck out of here ,I haven't been here for longer than 3 hours and my night has already been turned to shit .

A girl I was unfamiliar with gave me a sympathetic look as if I was some pity charity case. Her lips begin to spread apart from one another as if she wanted to speak,finally gaining the courage she asked in a concerned tone ,"Are you alright ?"

"No my night has been completely fucking ruined but I'm fine.", I respond adding a fake smile so she could leave me alone and go on.

"Are you sure? it looks like you've been crying all night.", the young girl continues ,clearly she didn't get the message I was trying to send the first time I told her "I'm fine".

"Yes I'm sure thank you ,I don't want to bring all my problems to a girl I hardly know,go enjoy the night" , I wave goodbye .

Are my eyes really that bad ?

I reach into my small purse digging for a mirror compact . My fingers fidget through the mess getting caught in the baggy that held inside the cheap pills I had popped earlier in hopes of helping me ease the pain and forget throughout the night that was supposed to be "fun filled" but instead made me feel worse . I should know by now not to let Ava talk me into making stupid decisions . "Fuck this", I say under my breath after digging in my purse for a solid 2 minutes.

"Hey where's the bathroom ?" , I ask a random guy ,he was the closest to me and I didn't feel like struggling .

His face changed instantly when he turned around to face me ,his eyes read confusion .
"Uh um,it's the next door you'll see on your right ",he stuttered throughout his whole sentence .

"Thank you", the two words awkwardly flow before I walk away and try finding my way to the restroom .

My hands grab on the charcoal grey painted hallway walls to keep me from loosing my balance . A few more shaky steps before I had stumbled upon the bathroom door.

Flipping the light switch I place both hands on my temples at the sight of my pathetic reflection .
"Fuck .", I groan almost wanting to cry again.

The bags under my eyes hung swelling up each second . Black mascara ran down the side of my face just as dry as the tears that stain my cheeks. The reasoning behind all the strange facial expressions I received throughout the night now makes sense on why .

Just look at me I'm a mess,
A pathetic young mess,
Heading nowhere.

The door creaks,
"Brooklyn , I've been looking all over for you !", a voice startles me barging in the bathroom , did I not put a lock ?

"Why are you crying ?", Ava approaches with sincerity and concern in her voice.

"I'm so stupid.",I hit my head against the wall in frustration ,a small thud followed.

Inevitable //G-Eazy Fanfiction//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt