Chapter 16:

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//Back To You //


*One week Later

"The uber is here ,you coming G?",Marty asks waiting for my response before opening the hotel room's door .

"Nah I'm staying in tonight." ,I nod  turning down his offer .I just want to be alone .

"You sure ? Yo ,you haven't gotten any action at all this tour...", Marty's attempt to convince me fails miserably. He was joking but I didn't even find what just left his mouth humorous. His face couldn't contain his laughs though.

"I'm not in the mood for busted strippers and cheap hookers or young girls that don't meet my age limit throwing themselves at me ." ,  I don't realize how bitter and agitated I sound until I look at his squinting eyes and curving lips . Physically saying this aloud made me realize how sick I actually am of my old habits and lifestyle. Sleeping with a different girl every night fed my ego making me feel like I could have whoever and whatever I wanted at a point ,but after awhile the rush of adrenaline and power wasn't there, it wasn't fun anymore but a routine I grew accustomed to .

"G I don't know what has gotten into you but I'll see you later .", he lets out a scoff in disbelief ,closing the door . I could hear girls chattering in the hotel hallways with him for a minute or two before they left . Grady's chuckles eco in the halls along with the rest of my crew's loud voices .

I press against my temples looking at my suitcase then at my phone that buzzes with missed calls from Brooklyn . I could already picture her sitting on her bed stressing and creating 20 conclusions per minute on why I haven't reached her today . I bet wrinkles of worriment are forming in between her temples as she chews on her nails nervously,it's amazing the little details I've picked up on her. Hearing her voice and seeing her bright smile light up my screen is what keeps me going everyday I spend apart from her . I just can't do it anymore I need to see her .

I get up slowly grabbing my jacket giving my hotel room one last look knowing when Marty returns he'd find an empty room and no Gerald . He probably won't notice I'm gone until sunrise when he wakes up hungover tangled up with a nude woman or two resting her head on his chest . "I'll see you in New York, in a few days bud.", I speak lowly before exiting the hotel room as if he was there . I exhale deeply with my suit case's wheels rolling behind me as I push the button with the arrow pointing downwards on the elevator .


My hand tightly grips my passport and plane ticket with anxiety as I board the plane . Although I've been on a plane over a thousand times across the globe I couldn't help but feel nervous . Maybe because this time I wasn't flying with my crew to a venue as usual ,but to her ,a young girl I've grown so fond of over a short period of time . It's funny to think we once disliked each other . Looking over the few people that were already seated I search for my seat number , I made sure to buy the whole row to avoid the annoyance of strangers snoring on my shoulder . Oh how I hate that . I take the window seat pulling out my headphones hoping the music would make these 2 hours and a half fly .

After 40 minutes of starring out the tiny airplane window my eyes began to feel heavy . The bright yellow lights and gleaming water isn't entertaining anymore but boring leaving my mind restless and cluttered with thoughts ,most of them about her . The overthinking begins...I fear my past will be our destruction , things never last with me . I don't want to think so negatively however, I know I'm never happy and content with my life for long ,it's all temporary but I'm tired of constantly living in fear waiting for my life to fall in turmoil . She gives me a little hope that it doesn't have to be that way ,that I will find happiness and possibly love without worrying of its downfall . She makes me want to be better not just for her ,but for myself .


"Why so gloom ?",Ava picks up my chin so I'd face her . Her eyes examine my saddened face with so much compassion .

"Nothing . It's just I haven't heard from him today that's all ." , I try to shrug it off but I don't like how those words sound coming off the tip of my tongue ,it only increased my anxiety saying it aloud . It sounds so pathetic how attached I've grown to our daily text messages and nightly FaceTime calls but I don't care . I think we all need that feeling of security and assurance .

"I'm sure something came up .",she tries comforting me . Her answer took me by surprise usually she'd say not to worry about any stupid guy ,to move on but she knows the effect he has on me ,unlike others . She sees the way my lips automatically curve into a smile at the glance of my phone screen . I know it pains her to see me so invested because she fears I'll end up hurt in the long run .

"I don't know Ava ,he always manages to make time to at least texts me .", I began to panic . I've been making up different scenarios the whole day trying to figure out an explanation why I couldn't even get a "goodmorning" text.  I can't help but stress . What if he lost interest in me or worse what if he's sleeping with another girl ? I almost want to rip my hair out as I jump from conclusion to conclusion .

"He's an extremely busy man just try not to worry so much , I bet he will give you an explanation tomorrow .", she places her hand on my shoulder trying to be positive for my sake. Maybe I am just being overdramatic ? I wish I didn't overanalyze things all the time. I need to understand some things are exactly what they are and don't mean anything more .

"You're right Ava ,I think I'm gonna head to my room ." , I get up from the couch ,handing her the remote to the Tv .

"Goodnight ." , I give her at tight hug before heading to my bedroom . Talking to her made me feel a tad bit better .

Blankly ,my eyes stare up at the ceiling . My body lays still but my mind remains restless . I couldn't get myself to let it go . Think positive . Think positive .  I try telling myself .


Not that interesting ,IK IK . I hope you liked this though . I'm trying to get better at updating ! PLEASE COMMENT GOOD G OR THE NBHD FANFICS RIGHHTT NOW BECAUSE IM EXTREMELY BORED ON THIS 6 HOUR DRIVE LOLLL

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