Chapter 2:

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/ /Save Me/ /

"Are you okay ?"

"Oh my , it's Brooklyn!",
someone calls out with shock in their voice ,my eyes couldn't make out the person's face .

A bit of relief rushed through my body when I heard my name though . Breathing heavily , I want to speak but not a sound leaves my mouth ,silent like screams underwater .

" I got her!",
an unrecognizable voice shouts .

My numb body was lifted off the ground and swung over someone's shoulders , I felt weightless almost feather like . Wiping my tears to improve my vision my eyes look up to see the slicked back haired boy's face . His brows curved in , worry lines formed above ,in between his temples ,sympathy and concern washed over his face as he looked at mine .

Droplets escape the corners of my eyes , tumbling down the sides of my cheeks ,his deep brown eyes into mine with such sadness .

"You'll be okay .",he breaks the eye contact instantly , by turning his face so he no longer is facing mine . The moment we shared of compassion ended along with my silly beliefs of him actually having feelings . How could a person be so cold and distant at a time like this ? At a time of need for comfort no matter who it comes from ?

"Here Mat."
"You can take it from here ,I'll drive .",he passes me to Bear ,like I'm some lifeless object .

A Breeze ran through the bits of shredded fabric that barely covers any parts of my body as I'm placed in Mat's arms.
"What did they do to you ?!"Bear asks in a panic , his light green eyes widen .
"Their intentions were clear but honestly they didn't get to harm me much ,you got to me on time .", I look down .
"Your neck is bruising .", his tall friend points out , I don't respond .

"It's okay ... I can walk from here to the car.", I finally speak ,with a thick rasp .
He gently lowers me ,till my bare feet are touching the ground. I cross my arms with a piece of fabric in both hands so my chest is shielded from the cold . I couldn't even think of a way to thank them I felt so embarrassed and ashamed even though this was far from my control .

"I'm sorry I haven't thanked  you guys yet , I just feel so ashamed. Thank you ,you both saved me tonight .", I sob wiping my eyes and sniffling.

"Ashamed ?"
"Brooklyn this isn't your fault ."
Bear cups my cheek with his tattooed hands  in attempts to make me feel less horrible .

"Don't thank me , I wasn't even gonna stop ."
"Bear wanted to stop before he even knew it was you ." ,Mr.Nameless bluntly speaks ,not even trying to sugar coat .
Mat looks at him in disbelief ,wondering if those words really just left  his mouth . Bear is just such a kind person who believes in doing the right thing I wish I could say the same for his friend though .

"That's nice to hear .", I sarcastically respond sniffling . I refuse to give him the satisfaction of giving in his petty attitude and behavior . A child's maturity level surely levels over his .

I couldn't help but feel a bit hurt , I really had no value to him . I have no clue on why this bothered me so much either ,he was a boy I haven't known for more than 24 hours , I don't even know his name . I pop the dark cloud of these thoughts that hung over me and hopped in the back seat , I was a wreck . Both of them made their way inside the car . Discomfort was clear in the atmosphere .

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